Falco- Bread Seller

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Me: *wearing #1 hat* Yoyoyo! Here we are with Falco, selling bread at a bread stand!

Falco: That doesn't make any sense, a bread stand? Oh well seams legit...

Me: Legitimately legit.

Falco: Enough with the sweg.

Me: No!

Falco: *takes away hat*

Le later


Falco: That's like telling you not to be a host!

Me: *frowns* That's different..

Kirby: *comes by with MK* I want some bwead pwease.

MK: I'll be over here.*walks away*

Kirby: *buys all bread:

Falco: D:

MK: *comes back looking at Kirby in awe* How can you afford that much bread!?

Kirby: I used your wallet, duh.

MK: WHAT! *checks cape for wallet* WHY YOU!

Kirby: *runs away*

Me: Well looks like to bread for Falco and no money for MK.

Falco: *standing still, cause he's still surprised Kirby took all the bread* D:

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