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"HELP WANTED. Are you a lost soul? Or perhaps you're a treasure seeker? Maybe you're just a renegade who lives life for himself? If any of these apply come to our hamlet we've got quite the task for you. Gold and adventure awaits! Contact your local wagon service for details"

Freshly out of a job, with a pocket full of money I didn't hesitate. Sure, the torn, yellowing flyer was suspicious but i needed the money, a crooks gotta eat right?

I gathered the last of my funds and set out with nothing but my claymore, my musket, and my ragged leather armor.

The road to the hamlet was uneventful, bumpy, but uneventful. The moment I arrived I was greeted by a dismal yet mildly comedic sight. A Chapel so run down the fact that it was still standing was proof of a higher god and a tavern which looked to be quite popular and well kept.

This chapel had clearly seen better days, the wooden doors were rotted, the faded blue shingle roof was patchy and deteriorated, and the whole chapel had an air of rot to it.

Immediately to the left of the chapel was the Tavern which on closer inspection was actually a brothel, gambling hall, and a bar. The building was lively on all floors with a bright red roof which shimmered brightly even on the cloudiest of days, I cringed at the distinct odor of Hopps and too much perfume.

The rest of the town was fairly typical, a medical ward which was in good repair although glowed with an ominous blue light. A large Guild hall which seems intimidating with all the weapons on display out front you know, crossed swords crossed axes and the like. To the right of the hall was a small forge owned solely by a grizzled yet buff old man whose hair was as grey as the clouds above. Lastly in the center of it all a statue of some old dude in robes with slicked back hair and a beard.

I would soon come to hate that man.

I hustled across the center towards the guild hall and noticing people murmuring at my arrival, I would soon know why. I entered the guild hall cautiously and was met with a surprisingly pleasant lobby area, well lit and certainly well kept. The receptionist desk was of sturdy design and on it a sign read "ring bell for service" there was no bell.

Confused, I shouted, "Hey! Anyone here?"

There was no response at first but not a moment later a man in purple robes appeared. The man eyed me for a moment taking care to study me, his eyes lingered on the sword at my back and the musket slung over my shoulder. Finally after a few tense minutes I spoke

" I came for the job? I'm unsure if I'm actually in the right place" I really didn't like this guy. His beady eyes burned a hole in me and he held his hands together as if he were plotting something sinister.

"Ah another come for glory, eh? You're in the right place." Retrieving a wrinkled paper, he continued, "Allow me to pull a contract for you. This contract," he gestured to the paper, "binds you to the servitude to the heir and to me, the overseer." I glanced at the wrinkled paper with unease. "Sign here if you accept the deal." The man made a soft chuckle, dark and menacing, although his smile was still plastered on his face, and did not seem to match.

While the overseer was talking I couldn't help but notice how bald and aged he was. His skin was wrinkled and his black goatee wasn't helping either. He pulled a quill from his robes and laid it on the desk urging me with his eyes.

Hesitantly, I signed my name.

Ramon Stone

The very instant I had finished signing my name, the overseer tore the quill and contract away from my hands with blinding speed, stuffed them in the many folds of his robe, and beckoned to follow him into the doorway behind him.

"Right this way, please. I'll show you to the barracks where the rest of the lost so —," he paused and scrunched his face, before smoothing it out again in his slacked smile, "I mean, 'Heroes', are."

After a long moment of walking in a dim hallway, we arrived at an old wooden door.

"Here we are! Beyond this door is the Commons Area, as the others call it. The doors along the wall are the team doors. You will be the replacement member for team four. Have fun, 'Ramon'." His menacing smile grew wider, and he turned on his heel and swept down the hallway toward the way we came. 

As he shuffled away, several thoughts rose to the front of my mind.

Had the overseer always spoken so ominously?

I shook the feeling of dread away.

Who cares!

All I knew right then was that beyond that door was a crew of people I'd never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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