Chapter 11

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"I heard she went to jail over Ced", Monique, a twelth grader in Brianna's General Music class said.

"Stupid! You won't catch me going to jail over no niggah!" Kim replied loud enough for Brianna to hear.

"Especially his sorry ass", Monique said laughing.

"Can I ask ya'll something?" Brianna asked.

"What?" Kim asked with a smirk on her face.

"If someone slapped you, what would you do?"

"Beat that bitch ass!" They said in unison, before laughing.

"And say, if this chick you don't like, who been disrespecting you from day one, had the audacity to pop off at the mouth and sneak your girl after you just got through fighting, what would you do?"

"I'll have to tag some more ass!" Monique said loudly.

"Hell me too, that bitch would be in a fucking ditch right now", Kim said, slapping hands with Monique and laughing.

"Exactly, so where does Ced come in at?" Brianna asked.

Monique and Kim were speechless, and the couple of kids that were around the group began to laugh.

"Hoes be quick to talk about what they heard, but if you weren't there to see the shit go down, then keep your fucking mouth closed", Brianna said.

"Who the hell you think you talking to?" Monique asked.

"That's what I'm saying", Kim said cosigning.

"Whoever fits that damn description", Brianna said.

"Well she ain't talking to me", Kim said laughing.

"Me either", Monique said joining in.

"I guess", Brianna said turning around, and ignoring them for the rest of the class.

When the bell rang for the next class, Brianna rushed out of the class. She was ready for this day to end, and finally be at home in her bed.

"Slow down girl", Ced said grabbing her arm, "Why you walking so fast?"

"I'm gonna be late", she said trying to pull away from him.

"What's up with you?" he asked, pulling her to the side, away from all of the traffic throughout the hall.

"Now you want to talk to me?"

"Mane, I was just fucking around earlier".

"Don't nobody play like that. If I talked to you like that in front of my girls, would you take me saying 'I was just fucking around'? That shit was unacceptable. Go fuck around with Ashleigh, because I don't care anymore", she said turning to walk away.

"Bri chill the fuck out", he said grabbing her arm, "It ain't that serious".

"Then let me go", she said pulling her arm away from him, and walking to class.

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