even cuter

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It’d be wrong to say things completely changed after that day - the day that they’d first kissed after he’d been so worked up for so long, it’d been like a breath of fresh air if he was honest - although, that wasn’t to say things hadn’t progressed at all. Yoongi was still the most adorable man Jungkook had ever seen, the elder still caused routine stress to his heart because of this also. However, the changes that did occur were more subtle than anything, he found himself being a tad more confident in expressing his adoration and in turn he earned himself more fond looks, touches and, much to his delight, the occasional soft peck to the lips.

He wasn’t entirely sure what they were, the last incident having ended in some more soft kisses and no real discussion, but he couldn’t really complain. He wasn’t pushed away, he was only brought closer so he couldn’t find it within himself to really care. He was grateful to be allowed this opportunity, especially given the life they lead and he knew, no matter what became of them, this would remain solely under wraps, their careers being their first priority - as not only did their own work hang in the balance but so did the five other members with which they worked.

So, he was fine, really he was. He was content with sweet, clandestine kisses stolen at the dead of night or behind others backs. He was happy with fond smiles and soft looks shared between the two.

Well, that was until he found himself down the dark rabbit hole that was the internet yet again. The hole that had made him yearn for more from his hyung seemed only to work it’s magic again.

However, on this occasion, he wasn’t found looking at the comments that set his blood aflame, jaw clenched and eyes hard as he contemplated what was wrong with people, to say such nasty things about the people he loved. Although, they were still comments regarding the band or, more specifically, Yoongi. He had found that he rather liked to see the cute comments where the fans seemed to be as enlightened as he, perhaps because they were expressing so openly what he could not, but it didn’t fail to deepen his fondness for the elder male.

Except this time he found more than he was really bargaining for.

‘ SugaHon3y Suga is real cute but I bet he’d look cuter getting fucked  

He could only blink, eyes transfixed on the lewd comment. Of course, he knew that some fans lusted after them - he was the youngest of the team but he wasn’t fucking stupid - but he hadn’t really thought that it would go to this side of the spectrum of it all. He had been deliberately refusing to think of the more sexual side of things regarding his relationship with his hyung, he didn’t want to get ahead of himself until he was sure that it was something they both wanted but… He really hadn’t been expecting that comment.

His mind was flooded with images, all more lewd than the last, images he had been repressing for his own sanity were suddenly all he could think of. Yoongi would look good, so insanely good getting fucked. He could imagine it, the way that pale skin would flush so prettily under his touch. The noises he would let out and.. Yeah, he really needed to shut this train of thought down before more than his mind became too invested.

However, like most things in life, it wasn’t that simple. It seemed that the comment had opened the metaphorical pandora’s box inside of his head. He’d suddenly become aware of his desires at the most inopportune and random times, even when he felt assured that it wouldn’t.

They’d be in the kitchen, Yoongi helping Seokjin out, and he’d be admist basking in his hunger-driven thoughts when Yoongi would bend across the side to reach something and, well, food would be long gone from his brain, replaced with the glorious but extremely inappropriate image of bending his hyung over just like that, right over the kitchen bench and holding down those hips as he thrusted into the smaller man.

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