I only had one thought that repeated over and over inside my head. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! What did I get myself in to? I might as well have gone up to Mrs. Henry and BEGGED for detention! I glanced around and the faces of students that watched me pass by. Some smirked when they saw I was on my way to Mrs. Henry's office. Others looked at me in a worried way, and I was NOT excited to see what was going to happen next.
Finally, I looked ahead and saw the office door painted beige with letters that read: Principal's Office. I watched in horror as she opened the door, sat down in her chair, and beckoned me inside.
I sat down anxiously, watching Mrs. Henry closely for any signs but she just sat down and relaxed. For a second I thought she was just going to give me a stern talk until that second ended.
"Miranda Ross," Mrs. Henry said looking at me sternly. "I see you've FINALLY arrived at my office."
"You were WAITING for me?" I asked nervously. I didn't know I was a Wanted criminal in THIS town.
"Clarissa has told me many things about you," she replied. Typical, girls like Clarissa are ALWAYS the favorites.
"Yet," she countered. "You haven't had any detentions since Junior High!" She looked confused, as if she couldn't choose whether to believe Clarissa or my records.
"Mostly because if I did I couldn't go to the field trip," I muttered. Which, was true. I mean, you don't want to get too many detentions but in my junior high, if you got a detention you couldn't go to the field trip at the end of the year. If you didn't get any, you got to go to the beach for a whole day while everyone else stayed at school.
"Excuse me?" Mrs. Henry said. I looked at her, eyes wide. I've seen her give a stern talk to students running in the halls or ditching class but I have never heard her stern voice. She stood up and looked at me, walking around making me even more anxious.
"Mrs. Ross, I have taught here for over ten years and on top of that I have been Principal for over five years. Slapping another student can lead to a Friday Detention. You do know this, don't you?"
I nodded. The summer before entering this high school as a freshman, we had to memorize all common or known acts against the school rules and what they lead to as a punishment.
If you got a Friday Detention, you had to spend three horse after school on a Friday afternoon scraping gum off tables and helping the janitors clean the floors, lockers, etc. This would do more than ruin a perfect " No Detentions" streak.
"However, " Mrs. Henry said. However? I could be saved! "According to your records you haven't had detentions since junior high." You mentioned that! "So, instead of a Friday Detention, you will have an after school detention. I would have you at Lunch Detention, but lunch has already begun."
Basically, Friday Detention...well I explained that. So Lunch Detention is when you have to eat in a classroom and grade papers or pretty much help the teacher with paper work and whatever until lunch is over. Simple right?
After school detention, however, is when you have to stay after school and do a random assignment for an hour and a half or, either until you finish the assignment (which is impossible to finish before an hour and a half because they make it THAT hard) or until the teacher feels like you've learned your lesson (which is WAY later than an hour and a half).
"Your after school detention will take place today, so I expect you to be in Ms. Smith's class by 3:05." Mrs. Henry said. Ugh, Ms. Smith!? Are you kidding!? It's bad enough I have her for history, let alone detention!?
"I am never going home tonight." I muttered.
"Well, that matters settled," Mrs. Henry said. "Now, run along! I have other things to attend to!" I was about to leave willingly when I realized that the play was at 3:30! How was I going to show up now? I had detention, I wouldn't be able to make it to the play in time!
"Wait," I said to Mrs. Henry. "Hey, wait! I can't go at 3:05 I have a-" Before I could finish Mrs. Henry pushed me out of her office and slammed the door on me.
"-play." I finished.
Wow, I thought. What a GENEROUS principal huh?
I waited nervously in Ms. Smith's class, watching the clock. It was 3:00. The bell would ring any min-
The bell rang and the rest of the class was dismissed.
"And don't forget!" Ms. Smith said after us. "You're assignment is due on Friday!" We groaned. The assignment was pure torture! I would explain, but I had to hurry.
"So Miranda," Carmen said. "We have half an hour until we have to come back for the play. Want to get something to eat real quick?"
As badly as I was dying inside for food, I didn't have the time. I waved Carmen off and waited for Ms. Smith.
"What?" She asked.
"Didn't I tell you?" I asked. "I have detention with Ms. Smith!"
"Really?" She replied. "I thought you were kidding!"
"Carmen, why would I kid about detention!?"
"I don't know," Carmen said. "I thought it had something to do with L-U-K-E. I didn't think you actually slapped her!"
"Well I did," I said.
"But now how are you going to get to the play in time!?" Carmen was worried that I wouldn't get to the play in time? I wasn't! I really didn't care because if I did, I had to kiss Luke. But then, if I didn't, my grade would go down. Damn this was a hard situation!
"I'll think of something," I reassured Carmen.
"Alright," Carmen said. "But in the mean time I'll try to convince Mrs. Keller to give us a little more time okay? I better go." Carmen looked at me. "Are you SURE you don't want anything? Not even a snack? That burrito for lunch today was NASTY." I shook my head.
"You're crazy," Carmen muttered as she went off to get something to smack on. I took in a deep breath. Detention, here I come.

Teen Fiction17-year old Miranda isn't the popular one, isn't the favorite. She's smart, but for some reason, no one cares. Shy and timid, Miranda has a crush on the coolest guy in school named Luke, who she's known since seventh grade. He's the most popular kid...