the biggest promise

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November 6th, 1986

The way the stars had shone and glimmered, dancing on the darkness called night had always fascinated El. She loved the way they twinkled and reminded her of Mike's freckles, one of her infinite favorite parts about her boyfriend. Mike hadn't always liked the stars. When she was gone for those 353 days, it seemed to taunt and torture him endlessly, only reminding him of the girl he once knew that he would never know if he could get back. Once she came back, though, his view changed. The stars, for him, were another highlight of El's perfection. He loved watching the way the moonlight bounced off of her soft complection as she stared hopelessly towards the night sky. He loved the way the stars reminded him of her eyes and the curiosity and hope she held in them. He had come to the conclusion after bartering with El for about 10 minutes that if he loved El, and she loved the sky, he, by default, would become infatuated with the sky as well.

On this chilly but not unbearable November night, Michael Wheeler caught his own breath in his throat as he stared longingly at the stars he figured knew him as well as he knew the science behind them. The last few nights had been clear and bright, which, as he had figured, was a sign. He slowly made his way up the familiar stairs of the Hopper-Byers house and knocked hesitantly on the thick wooden door.

A sleepy but beautiful brunette opened the door, rubbing her tired eyes. Her day had been long, and she was still in her sweater (which, was technically a product of Mike's closet) and Jean shorts, her thick white socks draped over her ankles.

The sight of Mike was enough for her eyes to widen and jump into his embrace quickly. "I missed you so much" she whispered into his ear, sending chills through his body, making him flush a starburst pink. Though they had just seen each other a day ago, it was pure torture for the both of them to be apart. She would spend her long days yearning to be with him and to feel the warm sunlight of her skin, but nevertheless, she was reminded to stay safe that day. He missed her too, ignoring his friends teasing comments and verbal jabs at his secretly loved relationship from the party.

Everyday he missed her more than fathomable, but today was just a little bit worse. Today, he was going to make a big move, a scary move. He knew El loved him, but he had always felt self conscious about his worth, but what if she didn't love him back? He had shoved those thoughts deep down all day and tried his best to focus on the campaign happening right in front of his eyes.

Mike and her were trapped happily in a tight embrace with one another until they had run out of strength to squeeze the other tight. They pulled away, staring dreamily into the others eyes, heart eyes visible and on display.  Mike was afraid, but for now, he let himself sink into her eyes as he knew she would always be there to save him, and vice-versa.

"Mike?" Repeated the small girl in front of him with a happy but perplexed look.

"Sorry, what?" He'd asked, gaining him a giggle from the love of his life, setting off the fireworks in his heart.

"I S A I D, I'm not complaining, but why are you here?" She inquired

His thoughts turned back to the box in the pocket.

"Well, I- I had to ask you a question". He released completely from her hold and twisted his sweating hands around one another in anxiety. He know what he was about to ask was huge, especially when they were only fifteen. But he knew it was something true to him and he couldn't imagine himself waiting any longer to ask.

"Well I uh- i had to ask you something, that was uh- kind of important?" He scratched his neck nervously, hesitating to meet her gaze.

After meeting her honey eyes, he saw her light concern.

"Oh alright well, should we sit down?" She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the plush loveseat in the center of the living room.

El innocently flashed him a nervous smile, waiting for him to explain his odd actions and manners.

Mike knew if he was going to ask, he had to do it now or never.

"Okay, well, El?" He began. "I remember that night I found you under the rain in your blood soaked t shirt, flashing a flashlight in your face. I know that was the day of the rest of my life I knew I would want to fall head over heels in love with you."

El smiled and blushed, reminiscing on the night their souls found each other.

"And ever since then, when I list you for those 353 days, I knew I wanted you here forever near me. I needed you here with me. I love the way you giggle when I act like a total wastoid, or when you snuggle into me when we're watching movies. Or when your in a dress, and you don't even know how beautiful you always look, and you twirl around, looking like a literal angel. And I know that I want to spend the rest of my life promising you i love you."

He reached for the small black box in his back pocket as he got down off the couch, on one knee.

El gasped covering her mouth, partially in shock and partially in confusion.


"MIKE." El said cutting him off. "i Love you so so much but I really don't think we need to worry about a wedding right now, I mean-" "NO wait" interrupted Mike. "Just wait, I didn't finish asking" giggled Mike, as El modded blushing in embarrassment.

"El, I know I need you forever and always, and well we are definitely too young to be planning a wedding right now, I know I want to see you in a white dress, on Hop's arm walking down the aisle towards me one day. El Hopper" he questioned, opening the black box, "will you do me the honor of promising me that one day you'll be mine forever?"

El looked at the beautiful gold band, with the word 'promise' flashing up at her. She felt tears glossing over her glimmering eyes as she nodded quickly and kissed Mike with everything in her.

"Yes yes yes YES MICHAEL WHEELER. ITS A YES EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE." She shouted as he slipped the ring joyfully on her finger. They both stood up as she wrapped her hands around his neck, while he slipped his arms around her waist and spun her around the living room.

He let her down and stared at her, as she sighed contently glancing at the ring.

"I promise you too, Michael Wheeler, that I want to love you forever until I say it in front of everyone we love and a priest. Then, it's official."

And with that, they made a silent promise to keep each other to their word.


Sorry that was so badly written especially the end lol. I know I repeat a lot of words too often. Anyway, hopefully I get a schedule going and if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for a one-shot don't be afraid to let me know! 💖

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