i was tagged (part two)

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This is the second part. I was tagged by DaWoildIsYerErster3. (Yay. Its highlighted this time.)

26. First kiss?
Haven't had it

27. Insecure?
Not really... I don't like my laugh.

28. Ever self-harmed?

29. Who I love?
My dog, Leo Valdez, my friends, and my family. (In that order.)

30. Miss anyone?
Yes, my friends, my dog, my mother and my second to youngest sister.

31. Hair color?
Dark brown

32. Relationship status?

33. Last song i heard?
Uptown Funk

34. Biggest fear?
Death or what happens after death and runnung out of time or being late. (I'm pretty sure I have chronophobia.)

35. Believe in ghosts?
I dunno. I tell myself that ghosts aren't real but then I also hear the creepiest shit at three am. Like breathing next to my bed or someone walking up my steps.

36. Something I hate?
I hate having to sit still and be quiet

37. Favorite TV show?
The 100, Umbrella Academy, Trollhunters, Dragons Race To The Edge

38. Favorite movie?
Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse, The Hate You Give, and The Last Unicorn

39. Favorite book?
Everything Everything

40. Favorite food?
I already answered this in the last part.

41. Jealous of?
A girl who was at my old school. She's a snobby *insert profanity here* though and I'm not jealous of that.

42. Zodiac?
Scorpio. Btw not all scorpios are bad. My Abuela and DaWoildIsYerErster3  are really considerate and caring.

43. Middle name?

44. Worst habit?
I have a tendency to start writing a story, or draw or draw a picture and never finish it.

45. Number of siblings?
One brother, three sister, and a stepbrother.

46. Names of siblings?
Umm no. But I can tell you their nicknames.
Brother: Peanut.
Oldest little sister: Swiss Miss.
Middle little sis: Len-len.
Youngest little sister: Baby P.
Step-bro: T.

47. Sports?

48. Talents?
I like to think I can sing.
I am a pretty bad artist.
And that's all i can do.

49. Embarrassing moments?
I embarrass myself all the time. But this spring softball season, I was pitching (and I pitch fast) and these girls would practically lean in so they would get hit by the ball. One girl decided to move her foot in when i pitched a low ball and got hit in the ankle. She had to go to the ER or something. Since she left the whole team had to forfeit because they didn't have enough players. We won because of that.

50. Future career?
Anything to do with civil engineering.






And that's all folks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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