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Zoey/ hey guys!! Today meraiah is with us and we!!!

R asking her questions

Meraiah/ uh.. Hi

Mike/ so.. Meraiah.. Have you ever had a " first" kids?

Meraiah/ umm.. No.. But I've always wanted that feeling... And I've always wanted to know what it was like to have a yah know.. First kiss..

Zoey/ well your in luck!! Today we have brought you TDI Noah!!!!!!

Meraiah/ what?...

Mike/ u and Noah will get to know each other.. And then after this chapter is over.. U too.. We hope.. You too will both get ur first kiss!

Meraiah/ * turns to Noah* you've never had a first kiss?

Noah/ no...

Meraiah/ yes!!!

Zoey/ well I can see ur happy!!

* meraiah blushes*

Mike/ now ur assignment is to go into that closet get to know each other and at the end of thirty minutes.. U should be kissing!

* Noah and meraiah start to sweat*

Noah/ whatever... L. Let's just get it over with..

They walk into closet and start chatting.

Zoey/ this better go well mike!!

Mike/ don't worry it will!;-)

30 minitos later

* Zoey and mike slowly open door, meraiah and Noah are laughing and talking about things..*

Mike/ now!! Time for u two love birds to suck some face!!

Meraiah and Noah smile and blush..

Slowly tilt heads and...

Meraiah/ OK its over... I felt...

Noah. U felt?

Meraiah/ something.. I'm not sure what but something...

* they kiss again.. And start to make out...* 

Mika and Zoey/ awkward!!

Zoey/ bye!!!!!

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