Hey. It's me again. I haven't told you my name. Have I. Well. It's not important. The doctors wear masks. But not just any masks. They are bunny masks. That's why they scare me. They're hiding their identities. I don't know why. It's not like we are able to tell anyone about what's happening. I don't even know if anyone is reading this. Probably not. But If you're out there. Then please. Like I said before. Help us. There are many people here. In this facility. So many screams. So many cries. So much blood. I've said too much. Not enough time. Not enough time. Not enough time. Scared. It hurts. Everything hurts. The medicine doesn't help. It makes it worse. They lie. The doctors lie. They'll lie to you. Don't listen to them. Trust me. TRUST ME.

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