chapter one: key to my heart

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The hallways of UA were completely empty. Not a single person was left except for Uraraka, aimlessly wandering the halls. She has been attending UA for almost three years yet, to her classmates she was invisible. She felt like a ghost floating in the deserted hallways. She used to be popular. She used to have friends. Now she has no one, all thanks to an incident that left her alone in her second year.

She had snuck out to the main building after curfew. She put on a black hoodie she to blend in with the night and a small backpack over her shoulder. She just needed to escape her life for a moment and get a breath of fresh air. UA had been her home for three years and she hated it. Her room was empty and cold, nothing in there belonged to her. No place ever really felt like home ever since her parents were killed in a accident a year ago. After their death she lashed out and isolated herself from everyone to mourn them. She was never really the same.

Uraraka wakes up most days wondering why she still is training to be a hero, with her family gone there was no reason to do that anymore. Its something she was considering but tonight she needed to do this for herself. Confined inside the school with no place to turn, a little rebellious action left her with a small smile on her face. Ochako was shocked to see that the faculty of UA didnt lock their classrooms as she easily pushed open the door to class 3a. Quietly she pulled out her phone and enabled the flashlight. Scanning the room, she brought her light closer to the back. It was right where he left them earlier.

A couple of weeks ago Bakugou had finally gained his place as number one in our class, while Uraraka had slipped into last place. Even Mineta had a higher rank than her. As a reward Bakugou's dad surprised him with a sleek, black motorbike. Katsuki is already a hot head but he sure did look badass on this bike. She noticed that his keys had accidentally slipped out of his pocket that morning when Kirishima and him were rough housing in the back of the classroom. She clasped them tightly in her small hand and hurried out of the room, careful not to make a sound.

* Uraraka POV*

"I did it. I really got his keys!" I whispered excitedly. I could finally go off campus, I could go anywhere I wanted to go. NO MORE RESTRICTIONS FOR ME! My mind began wandering as I made a dash for the exit. Since I was the only student in 3a that didn't have a parent sign on a off campus forum (during second year, security went way up) I was never allowed to leave campus unless I had a buddy. "No one would want to go anywhere with me anyway." I thought as a slipped through the door at the front entrance. The parking lot was maybe a 2 min jog away, if I was quick I could to see them before sunrise. I was incredibly out of shape based on the fact that I didn't participate in challenges or workouts anymore. I think the only reason I haven't been expelled yet is that all the teachers feel bad for me, not that I need their pity.

I had never driven a motorbike or anything before that night, all I knew is that Bakugou was the only student permitted to have a vehicle since he was ranked number one. Everyone else was forced to take the bus. I found it parked in his spot and slowly moved myself on top of the narrow leather seat. I grasped onto the handle and shakily brought out the keys to turn the engine on. "Do I really want to do this? If it doesn't work then I'll surely be punished. Not that they could hurt me anymore." My face started to heat up, my ears felt as if they were ringing. My breathing sped and I began to feel nauseous with fear towards what my future was going to turn out like. I raised my hand and swiftly slapped my cheek hard enough to leave a mark. "Get a hold of yourself Ochako. You need to do this. You owe it to them." I turned the keys in the engine and started the bike. I shifted into gear and sped out of the parking lot, not looking back to see if anyone saw me.

*Bakugou POV*

The ringer on my phone started to beep at an annoyingly early hour. "What kind of fuck face is calling me at 3 in the morning!??!" I groaned into my pillow as I grabbed my phone from my nightstand. When I saw the notification I leapt to my feet. I had installed a tracking device onto my bike earlier in the year when that dipshit sparky boy and shitty hair took my baby for a midnight joy ride and scratched the side of her. I cant take anymore chances with the dumbasses at this school, thank fuck I did that because my phone says my baby is moving right now. Only problem is THAT IM NOT THE PERSON DRIVING IT!!!

I don't even bother to put on shoes, I just run out of the building, phone in hand, racing down the street. It was such a mistake since it was snowing. " YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THE DAY YOU WERE BORN YOU FUCKING LOSER!" I yell into the sky as I propel myself into the air with my quirk. "Oh man I can't wait to break this fucking twig for stealing MY BABY! I'll make that shit face pay one way or another!"I smirked. "IM ALMOST THERE YOU DIPSHIT GET READY TO DIE!!!!!!!!" I regret my words as soon as I say them out loud and stop about a block away from where it says the bike is parked.

"Well obviously this dumbass doesn't have the brains to sense that I might have tracked them. They might try to run away and avoid a fight. The best thing to do is too sneak up on the fucker and theN POUD THEM ALL THE WAY TO HELL!!" I muttered rather loudly. It was perfect. I'll scare the literal shit out of them and then take their life.

I slowly walked around the corner to see my baby parked near the entrance of what I assumed to be a park. I run over and pet her smooth leather seat assuring her that she's safe now. Now time to destroy the fucker. I peered over the stone wall separating the criminal and I, I checked out what little shit stole my girl. I choked on my words as I turned the corner

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