cheating story time

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so why not start off with a good old cheating story.

this ex boyfriend of mine, we'll call him.. Dalton.

so dalton and i have been dating for about a year and a half, we started dating about halfway through freshman year in December, everything was great.. but we broke up this June heading into junior year.. anyway he came to my sporting events and i went to his. dalton already had a lot of female friends before we started dating.. and so i wasn't going to just make him stop being friends with these people, he'd known them longer than me. i was even friends with some of them but anyway. our friends would always tell us, "y'all are so cute" blah blah blah, we would watch football together, watch baseball together, it was always fun when we were together.

alright so now we're in sophomore year.. it's august and we've been dating about 8 months, this is the months when things started going downhill.. so i have this family member in my grade, we were close. but suddenly, she decided that she had feelings dalton. and told her best friend about her crush.

we'll call my family member, Jessie.
and her best friend.. Becky.

so after Jessie says she has feelings for him.. SUDDENLY, Becky has feelings for him too.. they decide to slowly start telling dalton all kinds of stuff about me.. which isn't true statements. but dalton ignored them for a while, he didn't really like them at first, he wasn't friends with either of them. so we were okay for now.

it's been a few months and now we're in February, baseball and softball seasons have started which means we both had practice after school and games on most of the same days. our softball games typically ended sooner than the baseball games so i would always catch the last few innings of Dalton's games. keep in mind, i assumed that Jessie and Becky were out of the picture because dalton didn't really vent to me about how "annoying" they were. and he stopped talking to me about his other female friends but he still hung out with them and some of his guy friends too.. it was never just him and the girls.. or so i thought.

at my school, if the baseball team wins then we'd have a parking lot party.. where we all just hung out in the parking lot, they were fun and all.

around rolled the end of May and the LAST game of the season, our boys won so we were all in the parking lot and i was talking to one of my other friends on the baseball team and i realized that dalton hadn't come over to us so i asked where he was, someone else walked by and heard me ask i guess and they just looked at me and pointed to his truck, i looked at the friend of mine, he can go by, Jake.. so i looked at Jake and he kinda shrugged at me, like, idk.. so i asked jake to walk over there with me because i didn't have a good feeling about what i was about to walk myself into.. so finally we get to his truck and sure enough..

there was dalton.. in the backseat.

with jessie.



i didn't know what to do, so i walked away. all i know is that i heard Jake yell at Dalton and then suddenly Dalton was out of the truck, throwing punches at Jake. I ran back to break them apart with the help of another guy on the team.. after he helped me he walked away and suddenly eyes were on me, Jake and Dalton.

Dalton then accused me of "messing around" with Jake behind his back.. i'm still a virgin by the way, I denied his claims and so did Jake.. he kept accusing me of being the cheater and eventually i just walked away. and didn't talk to him for weeks.

technically, we never broke up that night so finally dalton decided to text me and apologize almost a month later.. in which i just ended the whole heartbreak and broke up with him.

so yeah.. it literally seems like a drama movie break up but i promise you.. that's how i found out my ex cheated on me and how we broke up. like i said.. my life is currently a huge mess.

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