Chapter 1

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They were coming for me. I could see them now, their skeletal figures imposing over the tower. Their hood was up so I couldn't see their features. Suddenly, a shrill scream emitted from them. I watched in horror as their ghastly, skeletal wings unfurled and stood out. They jumped from the tower and dived at me, their wings flapping frantically. My legs were a blur, moving as fast as they could. I spotted two shops huddled closely together, leaving a small gap in between. There was also a streetlight near the alleyway. There! I could fit through!

My feet pounding on the pavement, I was getting nearer. I could reach it now. I grabbed the streetlight but the demons were close behind me now. A hand pulled the back of my shirt with such force that I slammed straight into one of the demon. My vision went blurry. I looked at the back of my shirt. There was blood oozing everywhere. The wing's skeletal horn had dug into my flesh and my consciousness was about to drain. Abruptly, three daggers, with such speed and malice, flew out from nowhere and impaled the three demons right in the forehead.

Their features then began to disintegrate, and like paper being torn to shreds, there was nothing left but a pile of ash and a coin on the floor. See you in hell I thought. Darkness began to enclose me.

"Wake up! Wake up!" A strong set of hands woke me up, shaking my body over and over again until the dizziness overwhelmed me. My eyes flash open. The light from the blazing sun strikes my eyes like a sword impaling the heart. I immediately shut my eyes back again. Wait a second, I was running away from the demons earlier, where are they now? Could they be here with me? My eyes flash open again and I stumble to get up. I look around. I was in an old basement filled with weapons of all sort. Daggers, knives, swords, maces, hammers, spears, bow and arrow, longstaff and there was even a gun loaded with silver bullets!

There was also potions and ancient books scattered on the cold basement floor. My eyes scan the place and they land on something in front of me. Instinctively, I start running and head for the door, but arms tug at me and pull me back. "Wait, stop, let me explain." A voice echoes throughout the room. I turn and face it. Relief flooded through my body.

It wasn't a demon. It was just a boy! He looked asian and had dark brown hair, with slightly slanted deep black eyes and a slightly upturned nose. "Alright, sit down." I refused to. "Why should I trust you?" I fire the question right back at his face. "You have nowhere else to go. You've been on the run from those demons for a while now haven't you?"

I nod slowly. "I-I guess." "So where else would you turn?" "I'll figure something out. Maybe I'll crash at someone's house and I'll tell them what happened with the demons." The kid looked at me, intent on persuading me. "Yeah, they'd definitely believe you." He added. I glared at him. "Ju-Just shut up!" The kid looked at me, unfazed. "I won't force you but if you want to know more about those demons and need a place to stay-" He pulled out a card with his phone number and his name down. His name was Jayden. "Think about it. But it is absolutely vital you make the right choice. Especially because you don't even know about the demons."

I turned away without a word and head towards the door. "Wait. I just need to make sure you know that you're not crazy and those demons are in fact real. You need to believe me. Run from it. Hide from it. The demons are real. The truth is inevitable. You cannot hide the truth. Sooner or later you'll see."

I turn my head round and glared at him. "You're crazy." I head towards the door, the chilling warning behind my back. I step outside and immediately the blazing sun hits me like an earthquake. I sigh and start walking. Too many things were running in my mind. Too many thoughts were running riot, unleashing hell and anarchy. A bright blue sign catches my eye. A cafe.

I think for a second. I need some food and some place to stay. This would be a good place to start. I walk in the cafe, the smell of freshly baked pastries and the aroma of roasted coffee beans overwhelming my senses. I look around. The cafe itself was small, but lively. A charming brown wallpaper added to a homey atmosphere. The display case was filled with neatly and intricately made pastries.

I look around, scanning the room for someone who looks trustworthy and kind. My eyes land on a woman on her early 50's drinking some coffee and reading a newspaper. She had dark brown hairs, kind eyes and a long straight nose. I feigned an act and pretended to cry as I head over to the woman. I fabricated a lie. "Excuse me miss, I lost my parents and I don't know where they are!" A sympathetic look crossed her face. "Oh you poor thing! Are you hungry?" I nod. "Oh, don't worry. I'll get something for you! What do you want?" I scanned the menu, hanging over the display case. "Can I get a ham and cheese sandwich please?". "Of course, love." She went over to the counter and ordered the sandwich for me. The cashier nodded and proceeded to pick the sandwich with the tongs and placed in a plate and handed it in to the lady.

She sat back down and handed me the sandwich. I devoured it with delight. When I was done, she asked me some questions. "Do you have any relatives here in New York?" I pretended to be sad as I shook my head sadly. The lady looked at me, a sympathetic look crossing her face once again. "Tell you what, why don't you come stay over at my apartment tonight and we'll figure this out." I smiled. "That would be great! Thanks." "No problem, let's go." I nodded my head. She got up and started walking back to her apartment with me behind her. I smile cunningly. My plan worked! I had a place to stay! She took me to a tall, slender building, littered with some shops around. We entered the building and we went up the escalator. The melodic voice chimed "Floor    4" The doors opened and she led me to an apartment room with the number 428 on the outer wall. We went in and I was amazed at how beautiful the room looked.

The gray wallpaper complemented the white marble floor and there were grand designs everywhere. Suddenly, the lady grabbed me and pinned me to the floor and punched me repeatedly, delivering solid blows to my stomach. I  swiftly kicked her head and she fell tumbling back. She stumbled back and growled. Her face started to slowly change features, texture and colour. It was almost like a wave rippled through. I looked at her in disbelief. She was now a demon. The same demons that were chasing me earlier! It spoke, but the voice was a lot deeper. "Deus!"

I had no idea what that meant but I had no time to dwell upon it as she charged at me, her wings unfurling. It's horns were headed towards me but I dodged it in the nick of time and slammed her horns into the wall. The horns were now stuck in the wall. I ran towards the kitchen and grabbed the first knife I could find. The demon was now free! It growled and charged towards me once more. A fist swung and connected at my jaw. I stumbled back in pain.

Another fist swung at me but I dodged that and delivered heavy blows of my own to the jaw. I kicked it away from me, and with quick precision, threw the knife right into the demon's forehead. It began to disintegrate into a pile of dust and I stared in shock. My mind was struggling to cope with what just happened. I looked at the pile of dust. I just killed someone!

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