Chapter 1

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                          " I'm coming for you, Larkkit! "

               A low yet playful growl was heard from outside a large bush. Larkkit was hiding in a tunnel that was right next to the nursery den since the crying of the babies inside would distract her seeker. She saw the bush rustle as a large head peeked into the tunnel. She dug herself into the side of the tunnel, her giggles muffled by the sand.

                        As a hand slowly reached into the pit she was in, a large crow cawed overhead. It seemed to distract the seeker and he jerked back. Larkkit jumped out of the pit and attacked her seeker. He didn't react.

                         She looked at the large crow that landed right in the middle of the camp. 

                          " Someone attack it! " A warrior yelled from underneath stream rock.

                         Despite the yowl, the crow didn't move or fly away. It bounced around on its talons as everyone watched in disbelief. 

                          " Why is everyone so scared, Goldensplash? " Larkkit asked.

                          " Crows never have enough courage to fly into the middle of the camp, and I've never seen one that big. " He answered as the crow bounced toward Larkkit.

                           She was only about 2 feet bigger than the bird, and it seemed to not be scared of her even after she pulled out a very sharp rock. It turned its head, seemingly searching in its feathers. Larkkit noticed that this crow was different than most crows that they had brought in for food. Its feathers were speckled with a light white, almost like stars. It plucked out a feather and placed it into Larkkit's hair. It soon flew away after Goldensplash went to attack it.

                            " That's so cool! " 

                     Larkkit had gone back to the nursery den as dusk began to set in. Her littermates were clearly impressed with the beautiful feather behind her ear. Bravekit came running over and touched the feather. 

                             " It's so fluffy! "

                            " I know, I don't know why he gave it to me though. "

                             " Alright, kids, that's enough. You need to go to bed. "

                     Their mother, Dappledmist, whom of which is very beautiful red-head with lots of cute freckles, interrupted. She picked up Larkkit and placed her in bed. Soon enough they were all in bed, their candles had been blown out Dappledmist was the last to blow out her candle.

                    Larkkit woke up in a starry forest, the large crow from earlier on a tree right in front of her.

                              " You are very special, you must find your siblings. "

                     She looked around for the voice, only to find out it was coming from the crow.

                               " My siblings are sleeping in the same room as me, I already found them! "

                      She protested, whining.

                                " The siblings in other tribes. "

                      She woke up soon after, her siblings peacefully sleeping. She soon swallowed the message and fell asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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