Chapter Three- Regina's Stride

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"Neither am I. So, watch yourself, Regina; I have more power than you know."

"Your vanity will be the end of you, Clementia." I scoff at my sister's over-pretentiousness. Her only true power comes from Teldric; she has cuddled up to him like a baby to it's mother's teat.

I swear I can see each and every vein in her face as she purses her lips hard enough for onlookers to safely assume she just drank the juice of a thousand lemons, which would explain her constant bitterness.

Content with my words, I smirk and start to turn to around. Clementia grabs my arm and pulls me back. She raises her other hand like she is about to hit me but our mother comes just in time.

"Clementia! Do you have anything to say for yourself? How dare you speak to me like that? Have you forgotten that until an appropriate heir is found, I am to act as regent, or have you forgotten how this palace works?" My mother's voice booms through the hallway. I have not even seen her face, but I know that this isn't just her normal anger, but I do know that the last time my mother was this angry, several heads were severed.

Seeing as I was not the only one knowing this, Clementia's face turned to a pale white before turning around and curtsying to our mother. I join her in curtsey before rising to see Clementia try to appear higher than the Queen.

"I was only speaking the truth, each monarch before us ended up being either the eldest or the eldest son and so it is only natural for Teldric to follow suit."

I don't think that I will ever know what led Clementia to think that this was a good idea, but no matter how foolish that decision was, the pain from our mother's hand colliding with Clementia's face hurt all the same.

"Do not ever even think of speaking to me like that ever again, do I make myself clear? You should still be glad that both Teldric and yourself are still even in my consideration for monarch. Now, go to your chamber and don't leave until morning. Am I clear?" Mother stared Clementia right in the eyes with pure rage. Clementia somehow managed to keep her mouth shut as she curtsied one final time and walked away swiftly, somehow not even her steps making a sound.

I keep watching her walk down the hall until she disappears behind a corner. I turn around and lock eyes with my mother. Her furious face turns lighter and holds me in an embrace, "That sister of yours is going to kill me one day, she's stubborn and bent on her own ways." She smirked at me, "I'll make it up to her tomorrow, I've been meaning to go through our late kings will and I believed that she's due to a new horse soon that she's had her eye on."

I pull out, "Wasn't it you who said that tantrums shouldn't be rewarded with presents?"

"Regina!" My mother swatted at me playfully, "Let's take a walk, sweetheart. I've been meaning to see your little Florence again."


"Mother!" As soon as the door to my childhood chambers open, my daughter stumbles over various pieces of furniture as she attempts to simultaneously sweep the long brown hair off of her face with both of her hands and barrel towards me at full speed in her excitement, giggling the entire time.

"Hello, my dear! What's gotten you in such a good mood?" I kiss her on the forehead and give her a hug.

"Well, grandmother is here," she looked up and curtsied to mother, almost tripping over her lilac dress, "and Uncle Edgar, and Uncle Percival and Aunty Nicola is here! It is like a party!"

I look up and see my siblings with my husband, Jacques, and their respective families at the other side of the room. They seemed to have noticed us when we walked in as they all seem to be standing.

"Where is Hervey? Isn't he usually with you Percival?" My mother seems worried as if my younger brother not being present in my chamber is a world-ending event.

"As far as I am aware, he left as soon as you dismissed us. I think he left with Lady Sabelina Ward. I think sparks are starting to fly," Percival jokes.

My mother purses her lips, "nonetheless, I must speak to you all anyway. Clementia's behaviour is starting to worry me that either you all never learnt about what happened with your father's accession to the throne or if you all just never took it seriously."

We all look at her worried but know too well to speak against her.

"Lady Albree," she turns to my lady-in-waiting, "Take the children elsewhere, they don't need to concern themselves with this. Also, if you see any of my other children on your way, please send them over."

She nods and takes my daughter in one hand and Elgar's son, Milo, in the other and leads them outside. Once the door closes, our mother instructs us all to sit down and starts to tell us a story on how our father rose to power.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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