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Her touch was so soft, so gentle. I knew that in this moment she was all mine. No one could take her away from me. It was just me and her. I felt like she knew me and I knew here.

I couldn't stop staring in to her eyes, wanting to kiss her so bad. I finally leaned in for a kiss. She kissed me back. It was the most magical experience I have ever known. Her beautiful eyes stared in to mine.

"Hannah? Will u be mine?" I said in a soft voice.

"I will be yours forever and always." she replied.

In that moment was when everything changed, I realized that Hannah loved me and I loved her.

Hannah started to undress I just looked at her. We started kissing until we were both almost naked.

I felt myself pulling away. I didn't know what to say

"Hannah I, I, I can't"

"Is there something wrong?"

"No it's uh, idk."

"Are you sure because you know I'm Here for you."

I started to think about how I haven't told my family that I was gay and that I haven't told her that I've been hiding it from them.

"My parents don't know I'm gay." I told her.

"Why haven't you told them?" She asked.

"Because they wouldn't understand, they would call me names and would be unsupportive."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do, they will say its a sin and they will never love me again."I told her

"We will get through it, I love you Emily."

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