Knowing YoungK

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Yk: *enters the room, drinking his americano.*

W: Oh! Great timing Brian!


J: BRI--


J: What are you talking about? I'm just gonna tell you to BRING the snacks here.

Yk: O-Oh okay, okay.

Yk: *handed over the chips to them*

J: Thanks Brian.

Yk: *triggered*

Yk: *practicing his bass*

D: Hyung, what instruments can you play?

Yk: hmm... Lets see. Bass, drum, keyboard, guitar, violin, trumpet and more.

D: Woah, amazing Hyung!

Yk: *blush* ahaha not really.

J: He is a great rapper too.

D: Wooow!

S: and he's good at dancing.

Yk: *covering his face because of shyness* not really guys.

W: He is good at everything. Come join us here, Brian.

Yk: YOUNGK. Anyways, what are you doing?

W: Playing Jenga.

Yk: ooohh~ sound fun. Let me in!

A few moments later...

Yk: Here it iiiisssss!! Just a bit more!

*blocks fell* *loses*


Yk: *throws all blocks*

Yk: *walked out*

J: So he has a weakness afterall *smirked*

(They actually played Jenga game during their live video on vlive :)) he loses and he was really pissed HAHAHAH!)
(Don't forget to vote!! Love lots!)

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