Feysand baby

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I sat on the bathroom floor crying, crying of pure joy. I could not believe what was happening, after all these years, finally. Rhys had been away on business for three days now and I had been home alone, well not all the time of course. I had Mor, Cass, Azriel and my sisters of course here in Velaris but still, our house for myself. It was nice actually to be able to paint and do whatever for a few days. I had been sick for those three days though and didn't want to make others ill so I had delegated my duties as High Lady of the Night court to Mor. I felt better and I had tried to tell Mor that I was fine and could do my own work, but because I had thrown up at least five times in one hour she refused to listen to me, but I did feel fine, just nauseous.

Cassian, Azriel and Mor had joined me for dinner. I hadn't thrown up in five hours so I wasn't surprised when I had to run up to the bathroom and heave up what I just ate. I decided to let my hopes get up and took a pregnancy test. So many had been negative before and I didn't know if I could take one more. Rhys was still away so if this was a negative one too, he didn't have to know. So I took the test, the others would just think I was throwing up so I would be by myself for at least 20 min. Which would have to be enough amount of time for me to process a negative test.

I realised that I would need way more than 20 minutes... I started to cry. And I took another and another and another test. All showing the same answer. Positive. I could not stop crying. I was happy, scared and nervous at the same time. Maybe I should have waited for Rhys after all... But it could also have been negative and bring more grief. No, I made the right choice.  

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, Mor from the sound of those light and easy steps. How long had I been in here for?

"Feyre, are you all right, you've been in there for half an hour now" I heard her say from the stairs. I couldn't speak. I was sobbing too hard.

"Feyre?" She knocked on the door and went in, she saw my wet cheeks and red eyes and almost ran towards where I sat on the floor beside the toilet seat. She cupped my face, "What's wrong?" but before I could answer her she saw all the pregnancy tests on the floor and picked one by one up. Her eyes started to shine and one by one teardrops slid down her cheeks. She hugged me tight and shook her head in disbelief and joy. I was pregnant.

I heard Rhys over the bond, - Are you okay, love?-

- I'm fine, Rhys, don't worry. I have the whole squad here to help me if I need it. Come back when you're done, don't rush. Love you so, so much.-  I couldn't get much more out without bursting into tears again. Happy tears from hearing my mates voice and seeing the future so bright and joyful.

- Love you too, Feyre Darling, I'll be back first thing tomorrow-

Mor heard Cassian and Azriel walk up the stairs before I did, "Come Feyre, let's go and meet the boys, shall we?" Mor said with the biggest smile I had ever seen. I smiled back and stood up, my eyes still red and my cheeks soaking wet.

"Why are you both crying?" Cass said with real worry in his voice,

"What happened, are you okay?" Azriel added.

"We are more than okay, these are happy tears, bastards, did you miss the ginormous smile on my lips?" She smiled at me, beckoning me to tell them, I didn't want them to know before Rhys but I just couldn't come up with anything that would make me react like this other than the truth. I started to sob and laugh at the same time, the confusing faces on the Illyrian warriors grew bigger and bigger. "You'll be uncles" and at that, I couldn't stop smiling. Seeing Cassian teaching the little one to fight and secretly giving the child knives and Azriel playing hide and seek, well pretending to hide at least, otherwise, that game would never end.

I could see the chock and realisation in their eyes, "Are you serious?" Both of them blurted out. Cassian looked at me, "Does Rhys know?"

"No, I want to tell him in person and he'll be back tomorrow, but I have another idea too, but he will me hate me for it..."

"Nah, he could never hate you, no matter what you did, so we will help you." Cassian's wicked grin coated his lips, "What's the plan?"

Mor smiled mischievously, "For him to use his mate thing and find out himself, see how long it takes for the almighty male."

Cassian looked a bit disappointed when he realized that they were to do nothing at all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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