Chapter 8

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OOP! So Kevin and Taylor go out for a day and he already got some side chicks... ✌️but anyway ima make another story so stay tuned..


I can't believe he did this to me.. I was in tears. I thought he was different I mean he can't leave without his THATS for a day!?! I called destiny to talk about it

Phone convo 📱

Destiny: can't believe he just screwed you over like that who was that thot anyways?

Me: I don't know and I don't care

"Taylor someone is on the phone for you!" My mom yelled

Destiny: I'll call you later k. Bye

I jogged up front and grabbed the phone

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone

"Taylor I'm sorry she kissed me i love you I'm inlove wit--" he began to pour his heart out "okay Kevin lettme get something straight with you if you loved me you wouldn't have been messing around with that thot k.. You would be at that lunch table sitting right next to me but you weren't so we r over" and with that I hung up the phone.. I needed to release some stress I decided to go to the gym to workout. I threw on my Nike shorts my Nike crop top and running shoes..


I actually loved the gym I loved to workout.. When I walked in I immediately saw my personal trainer and his son.. His son Lano is hella fine I'll tell you that but we didn't talk that much.. But to my surprise when I was doing squats he came over to me. "What's wrong with you today?" He asked me "how can you tell something's wrong?" I asked him "I have seen you walk though that door thousands of times with that same happy face today it's not there" he replied. "Well it's a long story.. " I told him "and I got time lets go on a walk" he replied. It had warmed up (thank god) we began to walk down the street and I began to tell him about the first day of highschool when I saw Kevin to the day I saw him kissing another girl. "Well if I were him I would never screw you over." Lano told me. "Lano whats up today?? We barely talk now your comforting me like your my best friend." I asked him.. "I've always thought of us as friends I just sometimes get nervous around you. " he replied "Lano we need to hang out more, how bout this weekend you come to my house after we workout at the gym and we watch movies and talk." I told him "sounds good" he said

On the way home I only thought about Lano he was so sweet and kind. He knew exactly what to say and when to say it. Maybe Lano was the one I was suppose to b with not Kevin.. When I got home I arrive to find dozens of flowers and chocolates and even a bracelet. A not was attached "I hope you can forgive me.. Gimme a call when you wanna talk ~Kevin.. Maybe I should call Kevin.. Maybe it would help the situation or maybe should I call Lano to talk about what I should do.. After thinking about it I thought I should call Kevin, maybe we could still be friends. !

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