Guardian of the Hunt Cliché + Pertemis

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I know when this happens the hunters are always the first to object and tbh I think at least a few of them would've left if this actually happened. A guardian of the hunt goes against everything the hunt stands for, just the idea of Artemis being okay with this is ludicrous. (even if it was Percy)
Yes the hunt has a lot of issues that aren't okay, sexism and toxic feminism included, but they literally stand for maidenhood/virginity and the strength of a female, having a male guardian protect a giant band of ferocious man-hating warriors that will literally castrate a male for disrespect seems kinda counterintuitive.

For Pertemis let me say that Artemis may believe Percy to be a respectable male but that doesn't land a hit on her resolution to remain an eternally virgin goddess, she's been one for thousands and thousands of years, and in those years Percy has not been the only respectable male she's ever met, yes it's rare she deems a male decent but that's just it; she deems them so, almost like a title. And since Percy is so respectable, I don't believe he would ever attempt to push those soulfully sacred boundaries.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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