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When the pack feasts, they do so in a specific order. It begins as the Alphas eat first, then betas, delta, lead warrior, warriors, hunters, healers, pups, then omegas. Feasts are only held under full moons in honor of the pack ancestors.


Hunts are always lead by an alpha of the pack. No less than 3 and no more than 7 pack members will go out on the hunt. Each canine must take part. Failure to do so will result in punishment, decided by the alpha. All pack members must stay within pack territory to avoid conflict with other packs.


This is a method of proving strength, initiation, ranking up, and/or punishment. Two wolves will enter the sparing pit, and fight to the possible death. Reasons for sparring vary, but no pack members under the age of 1 year may spar. To challenge a wolf to a spar for strength endurance or rank threatening, one must approach the alpha and request a match. One cannot spar with the alpha. If the alpha agrees to the request, the two members with fight in the area for the other canines to watch. Death is a possibility, and the one responsible for the death of the other cannot be held accountable; ONLY if said death happened within the duration of the spar.


Mating season happens anywhere between January - April. During this time, canines above the age of 1 year may choose a mate to raise a family with. Mating done outside of this time period may be punishable, as it upsets the balance of pups born and the systems set within the pack.

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