Prompt 1

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*Hey guys, sorry it's been ages since I've posted anything. This is me trying something new, so we'll see how it goes. Without further ado, here is the first prompt and, happy reading!*


1: It keeps getting hotter, and things are also getting weirder. Write a scene or story that describes the strange things happening the hotter it gets. You can be logical, illogical, silly, etc. When temperatures rise, anything goes.


I hate Hermione. I honestly do. Except not really. But honestly kind of. At least right now. I'm super angry with her. Almost as angry as I am at the snake in front of me. Another stupid argument had gotten on her nerves and she'd finally had it. She'd locked us in a classroom. The windows were rusted shut and even if they weren't, we were on the 11th floor and there wasn't a broomstick in sight. There was also no floo powder or chimney to travel through. No secret passages that we were aware of. Bottom line: no way out.

The air conditioner was also out in the room and it was boiling. This was normal. Two very gay individuals trapped in a hot room together. Completely normal.

"Just say your sorry Potter!" Malfoy demanded, for perhaps the hundredth time today. I cursed the day we had started dating.

"You're the prat Malfoy. Admit that you are one, then I'll say it."

"Absolutely not." Malfoy grumbled before pulling his robe off and tossing it to the side. He put his hands to his face angrily, wiping the sweat off his silvery brows. I watched him turn away towards the windows and noticed the sweat collecting at his back. I, myself had already taken off my robe and was working at the tie.

"Take off your sweater Malfoy." I demanded. He turned to me, face beet red, looking indignant.

"I will not and you won't change my mind." He stuck out his tongue before turning back to the window. I chuckled darkly before pressing up against his back. He tried to move me away, but only succeeded in moving us further along the length of wall so we were braced against a wall between two windows.

"Who said I was going to try to change your mind?" I murmured, biting his ear before I pulled the sweater up over his head with a harsh tug. It got stuck on his head, but with a second harsh tug he was free of the article of clothing. I couldn't help myself from unbuttoning the bottom of his shirt and touching his overheating body in the sweltering space. He tried to turn around, but I held him in place. He mewled at my aggression. Just as I grabbed his crotch, the door opened and nice cool air swept about the boiling room. I squeezed his junk once before I turned around to see who had disturbed my fun.

Ginny fucking Weasley. Suddenly, I wasn't as mad at Hermione anymore. Unless she was the one who had led the naive redhead here.

"Sweet; Pansy owes me $20! I knew her spell wouldn't be strong enough!!!" She looked positively thrilled, clapping happily in excitement as she looked over to the two of us.

"Spell? What spell?" Draco demanded, face quickly taking on his normal scowl.

"Pansy bet that if she put a spell on the air conditioner in here, you two would be naked and doing it in less than 20 minutes! It's been 22 and you're still not there yet. I win!" She smiled before we both raised our wands and walked out of the room, leaving the petrified girl behind.

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