Chapter 18: Well that's unexpected

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I'm sort of back? I don't really know yet. We'll figure it out later. BUT here is chapter 18. Enjoy my little Mystical Creatures

Side Note: My favorite Main Menu theme song from Final Fantasy XV is up above. Its called Somnus and this is the instrumental version. I hope you like the melody and are a huge gaming nerd like me.


The next morning, Dustin wakes me up with a gentle shake. I begin to stir and see that he's fully dressed in a tux and tie. I smile at him.

"Well don't you look handsome." He chuckles at me and smiles.

"Thank you, love. It's time for you to get up. The guys will swing by and come get you for training. I have somewhere to go off territory and I'll be back right before yall finish training. Stay with the guys the whole time okay." He gives me a kiss and leaves the room.

I yawn and stretch. I look for my clothes from yesterday and spot some clothes sitting at the end of the bed. They were some workout clothes in my size.

"Dustin." I shake my head and get changed. They fit perfectly well except for the fact that I will probably have a heat stroke from how conservative it is.

"This will not do. Time to do some styling." I grab some scissors and cut the pants into some Capri shorts and I replace the top with my tube top from yesterday. I walk over to the mirror and look at the outfit. "Perfect!"

I hear a knock on the door and answer. The guys are standing in front of me and they are all shirtless.

"Woah, guys! A little warning would have been nice." They chuckle at me and Jason drags me down the stairs. Once we have made it to the training area, I immediately head towards the boxing ring and watch in awe.

The guys in the ring notice me watching them. "Would you like to join Luna?"

"May I?" I ask giddily.

"Of course, Luna." They help me into the ring and hand me boxing gloves.

"No need. Give me some tape and wrap and I'll be good to go." They nod their heads and give me what I need. I begin boxing with a guy named Tanner. At first, he wouldn't swing at me, and then I told him that it was okay to hit me and not go easy. After about 45 minutes a line had begun to form for who would fight me next.

It was around 1 PM when I go to the end of the line. The last guy who wanted to fight me was the buffest, guy, I had seen yet. He entered the ring and introduced himself as Gabriel. I knocked knuckles with him and prepared myself to fight.

He wasted no time in swinging at me. It came faster than I was expecting, and he nicked me on my chin. I stumble back a bit but regained my balance. He throws blow after blow, eventually hitting me in the stomach and sending me to the other side of the ring.

"Hey, Gabriel! Lay off, man. You're gonna kill her." I hear Rick shout at him.

I get up with a wince and wipe the blood that had formed around my mouth. "That all you got?"

I charge at him and effectively dodge out of his way and swing myself onto his shoulders wrapping my legs around his neck. I use all my strength and pull back effectively making him land on his back knocking the air out of him.

I grab both of his arms and pull up. I squeeze my legs around his neck cutting off airflow. He begins to tap out and I let go rolling away from him. I stand and I pull him up with me.

"Nice match Gabriel." I shake hands with him, and he bows his head in respect.

"Thank you for the opportunity, Luna." I smile at him and exit the ring. The boys rush over to me and inspect the hit that I took to my stomach. I shoo their hands away and tell them I'm fine.

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