Winds of Change

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Dragan POV

This season is going to be long and hard for Keziah, especially this next meet. It's against the Swarm and we all know what happens when Kezzy and those two meet. Bad things. And this already feels off. Maybe it's because I've broken the news to her. I don't know.

I've made the difficult decision on my own behalf to take the contract with Moscow and move back to Europe, which means I'll have to leave her here. As a free agent and I personally have seen the affects of not only free agency on her but this is much more than just free agency that has broken her already broken heart further.

Every time she gets emotionally attached to someone, they leave and or something bad happens to them. Ever since Rachel left it's haunted her to no end and now because of it her anxiety is out of whack.

Thankfully at the Denver Ivitational I got the chance to meet Mason Plumlee and introduce him to Keziah. In my long search of suitors for her, Mason seemed to have an affinity for Keziah. The look in his eyes, the smile he gave her, was just what I had in my heart for Kezzy when I met her.

Mason POV

My phone rings. I glance to see it's Keziah. It felt off. I felt as if Keziah wouldn't be her happy bubbly self.

"Hello?" I pick up

"Hey......."She sighs back. I can tell something is up. Something is wrong.

"What's wrong"I ask as I hear her take an emotional deep breath to try and hold her inevitable tears back*

"So Dragan has decided to take the offer from Moscow....."

"So I'm a free agent now......yet again"

I sigh in sympathy for her as I hear her cry and the emotions in her voice. Knowing how much she's been through as a Free Agent in the past, this can't be good. Why. Why is it that every time she gets emotionally attached to someone they leave or something bad happens?

"Free agency is super hard on me Mason"

"I know hunny, I know" I respond with sympathy

If I were there I'd take her in my arms and sweep her home to Denver with me, but that's just not possible. It's not how the League works.

I hear her crying and soothe her gently.

"Shhhhhh hunny..... You know what? There's an open roster spot on the Denver Diamonds, I'll talk to coach about it okay? I promise you'll be okay. Just stay alive for me baby okay?"

"Okay..." she responds a little calmer.

"I gotta go. You get some rest. I love you." I kiss to end off.

"I love you too Mason." She responds before the line goes dead.

This is going to be a long season for the both of us, but we will get through it together. For better or for worse.

Alright first one of these done. Thank you and until next time, Be Brave like Nurk, Be Strong like Enes, and Have Faith like Mason

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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