Who are you?(Remus) part 2

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Ok, so, my idea for Remus' chapter requires some changes to the DWIT episode. And it includes more Remus interactions. And, its long. Sorry.

Trigger Warning: a wittle angst, disturbing thoughts, sexual dialouge, and again, Remus

So, without further adieu....

Previously......(cue video montage)

"Everything is going wrong in my life.....even my thoughts are going wrong" "Whaaaaat....! Come on, noooo!"

"Wait, are you guys seriously not gonna let me in on what's going on?"

"Y/n, you good?"

"Logan, if you continue to push this.......we're going to end up in some dangerous territory."



"Can someone tell me who he is?!" "Why, I'm your creativity!" "No that's, that's Roman."

"Yeah,......also me though."


Third POV

  "....what?" Thomas was even more confused at the situation. A random dude shows up, knocks out Roman, and drags everybody into a whole disturbing music video, while trying to dance with his Passion.

"Sigh, Roman is like, Netflix: Kids and Family." Y/n said, regaining the attention on them. Logan picked up for them. "He's the thing you select, of you want to, um-" "Block out all the juicy stuff." The Duke interupted him, winking at Y/n. Y/n mentaly gagged a little. "Don't say juicy in that context." Virgil said, disgusted(DISGUSTANG!). The Duke struggled for a moment. "Juicy butthole?" Thomas turned towards him. "...less okay." "Yeah," Patton spoke up, "your....b-hole needs to stay zipped up in your pants where it belongs." The Duke returned his attention to Thomas. "Why do you want to stifle your own creativity, Thomas?" "I'm sorry I don't see the creative merit in 'juicy butthole'." Thomas said. Then Y/n joined in. "Yeah, I hardly see any way he could be passionate about...that." The Duke then looked at Y/n. "That's not how you always thought..." he mumbled, only loud enough for them to hear. He turned back to the host. "Oh, come on, Thomas. There are different types of creativity. Just take Jeffery Dahmer!" That caught everybody's attention. "I-i mean acid-brain sex zombies? Thats ri-" Thomas quickly cut him off. "Let me stop you right there. Jeffery Dahmer wasn't creative, he was destructive. And I'll thank you to never bring him up again." "That's right! Just shut it down Thomas!" Said Patton.

  Logan jumped in. "You should do no such thing. You can not force the Duke to retire a topic of conversation." "Yeah, repression can be...very bad indeed. Isn't that right, BooBoo." The Duke said, leaning towards Y/n a bit. They, in turn, leant away. "Stop it.." Y/n said.

  The Duke just shrugged, and went back to the topic at hand. "Just take Jeffery Dahmer." Thomas sighed, frusterated. "He used to have these(chuckles) pretty funny thoughts about torturing animals." Patton gasped in horror at the thought of someone thinking that.

  "But you know, he hated them.", The Duke continued, "He thought they were horrible and he tried to FORCE THEM OUT! Lot of good that did 'em!"

"It didn't do him any good." Logan pointed out. "Yeah, right."

  "In fact, that kind of repression doesn't do ANYBODY any good, because it doesn't work " Logan continued. "In the 1980's, Virgina psycologist Daniel Wegner performed the White Bear experiment, which demonstrated that the more one tries to force out a thought, the more intrusive and/or repetitive said thought becomes." Y/n gave a small nod of agreement.

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