Chapter Six

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Lying in bed that night, Alex was thinking about the future. He would still go to school, that much was certain. Director Fury had made it very clear that he was to still go but would be pulled out of class when necessary. He had also said that - from tomorrow - he was to live in the Avengers tower with Peter, whose aunt had recently found out who he was. Alex couldn't imagine that. Not telling the only family member you have who you really are. Jack had quickly found out what MI6 was making him do. She had always been there for him when he had come home from a mission, bruised and often bloodied. His phone light started flashing, and he flicked his lamp on. The phone had been a Christmas present from Jack. She had insisted that he needed it to keep in contact with her. He reached over and picked up his phone. Someone had sent him a text.

Hey Alex. It's Peter. You awake?

Alex composed a message, then pushed send.

Yeah. Can't sleep.

He didn't have to wait very long before getting a reply.

Neither. Wanna meet up?

Alex re-read the last message, then began typing again.

At 1 in the morning?

Two seconds passed.

Why not?

Alex sighed. He wasn't getting to sleep anyway. He pulled on some pants and a shirt, grabbing a hoodie from his wardrobe.

Five minutes later, he was climbing out his window and biking down the street. He had stuffed a few pillows in his bed and covered them with his sheets, so if Jack checked on him it looked at least a little bit like he was asleep. He stopped, leaning his bike up against the wall of a building, and had just pulled out his phone to text Peter when he thought he saw a person standing in the shadows. He turned quickly, but no-one was there.

"Who's there?" he called out. Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and he spun around, arms raised and feet placed apart in a fighting stance.

"Whoa! It's just me!" Peter ripped off his mask and held up his hands.

Slowly, Alex lowered his fists. "Are you crazy?"

Peter shrugged, letting his hands fall to his sides. "I guess I should have announced my arrival."

For the first time, Alex took a look at what Peter was wearing. "You're... spiderman?"

Peter laughed. "Yeah. I may have forgotten to tell you that minor detail. You want to see what I can do?"

After a moment, Alex nodded, and Peter pulled his mask over his face and launched himself into the air, firing a web at the nearby street light, and pulling himself towards it. He sent another flying through the air at a row of apartments, and it stuck firmly to the brick surface. He did this over and over until it looked as if he was flying. He dropped to the ground beside Alex.

"What do you think?"

"That was pretty cool," Alex admitted.

"Hey... I just had a great idea! We should go see Mr Stark at the Avengers tower!"

Alex shook his head. "I should probably go home. We do have school tomorrow."

Peter took off his mask again. "Come on. It'll be fun! He's staying up tonight working on something. I think he said it was for you," he said mischievously.

Alex sighed. "Okay."

Peter grinned. "See you there!" He leapt up the side of the building and disappeared.

Alex smirked, getting on his bike and racing down the street towards the Avengers tower.

When Alex arrived, Peter was waiting outside. He chained up his bike and followed his friend inside.

"So what's he making for me?" Alex asked curiously.

"I honestly don't know," Peter replied. "I just know that he's been up all night working on it."

The elevator dinged as they arrived, and the doors slid open to reveal a darkened room.

"Let's go straight down to the lab," Peter whispered, and Alex followed him down the stairs.

At the bottom, he entered the pin needed to unlock the door, and it clicked open. They walked through and saw Tony talking to Steve at the other end.

"Hi, Mr Stark!" They both turned to face the two boys.

"Aren't you supposed to be home in bed?" Steve asked them.

Peter grinned. "I was out, you know, solving crime, and I asked Alex if he wanted to meet up."

Tony gave him a disapproving look before turning back to whatever he was doing.

Alex walked over. "What are you working on?"

Steve stopped him before he could get any closer. "Sorry son. Fury asked that you didn't see it until it is finished. How about you both go upstairs?"

Alex turned and walked away with Peter, and Steve turned back to Tony.

"How long until it's ready?"

Tony didn't look up. "Not very long." He straightened up. "Okay, Jarvis. Run diagnostics."

"Yes, sir."

He turned to face Steve. "I don't like how Fury's keeping this a secret for him. He deserves to know."

Steve nodded. "I agree. But I don't think he's willing to listen to me. Or anyone else for that matter."

Tony walked over to the workbench and picked up his cold cup of coffee. "What should we tell Romanoff?"

"Nothing," Steve said. "She's too close to this kid. If she found out what Fury is planning-"

Tony spat out the coffee. "I'm making myself a new cup. Want some?"

Steve sighed and followed him upstairs. "Sure."

A New Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें