naughty hybrid~jimin

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Member of BTS: park jimin
Boyxboy or boyxgirl: boyxgirl💫
Description: you were one day walking home from work and you came across a small cat in a box. You took home the cat and later found out it was a hybrid cat named jimin. You became jimins owner because he didn't have one and you two have gotten really close.


I got home from work and opened the door to hear moans coming from upstairs. I almost dropped my shit thinking that jimin had brought a slut into our home and became slightly jeolous even tho we aren't dating but still.....I AM HIS FRACKINg MAStEr GOd DAMNit (cries sorry it is 4 in the morning and I am bored. If you come across this again very sorry.) I walked up the stairs stopping at the room we both share. He does have his own room but he prefers to sleep with me in my room.( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )sorry.

I opened the door quite harshly to see jimin laying on the bed with a vibrator up his pink hole and his hand wrapped around his cock pumping himself slowly with him letting a few "Y\N fuck...." Slip out of his mouth. I stood in the door way feeling a sense of dominance take over. " Jimin..." He quickly shot his head up in fear meeting my eyes. His tail dropped to the side of him out of fear and his ears lay flat against his head.

"Master...I'm sorry please don't punish me.." he pleaded. I walked over to the closet pulling out a box. " You are such a naughty boy jimin. I'm afraid I will have to punish you." I walked to the bed putting down the box and opening it to grab a blind fold. "Master..." He whined once he saw the other objects inside of the box. I knew he may have acted scared and frightened but his tail told other wise. "It's mommy to you you naughty boy." I said coldy as a slight smirk appeared on my face making jimin squirm in the bed sheets to be touched. He tried to stop his tail from wagging back and forth out of excitement so he wouldn't give up so easily.
I put the blind fold over his eyes then cuffing his hands to the head board.

I took out a pretty pink dildo and shoved it up his pink hole making him moan. I took of my clothes then setting beside him as I continued to abuse his hole with the dildo. "Fuck yess mommy....oh fuck..." He moaned louder. I placed my hand around his shaft pumping him painfully slow. "Mommy please let me fuck you....I need you..." He groaned softly. "Hmmmm if you be a good boy then mommy might let you." " I will mommy just please let me fuck you..." He begged almost whining.

I took out the dildo and took off the blind fold and the cuffs. His tail started moving back and forth with excitement and his ears were stood up showing how much he wanted this. I rubbed his cock up against my clit teasing him. I then slid him inside me slamming myself down on him. He placed his hands on my hips thrusting into me as I rode him. "JIMIN!!!" I yelled as he hit a bundle of nerves. "mommy fuck...iM COMING!!!" He moaned loudly. I quickly came wanting his Cum to fill me up "Cum in me baby boy..." He came inside me thrusting his hips deeper into my pelvis. His cum mixed with mine slowly dripped down my leg as I got up but quickly falling down on top of him feeling sore.

"Master that felt amazing" he sighed laying his back on the pillow pulling me closer to him. I nodded my head agreeing but became worried as I saw his deep stare on me. "You really thought I was going to let you get away with being in charge now huh?" He growled in my ear. "Jimi-" I was tooken aback at his confidence.

"On your knees. Now...."

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