The Boat House

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Hogwarts was being attacked as the school was being destroyed as Deatheaters went over and a student flies on a broomstick.

"Come on!" Oliver Wood shouted with encouragement as he headed into the fray as magical creatures and students that were flying were aiming spells and fighting.

In the courtyard, battles took place where giants were in the courtyard as another giant attacked them and chimeras attacked the other with other magical creatures with the students.

I, Draco and Hermione battle on the staircase as we ran. I deflected and then sent the killing curse at the Deatheater sending him unmoving on the floor. I stopped Hermione and Draco from running out of a door as a curse barely missed us. I sent the killing curse at them and sent the Deatheater back dead as it made contact.

We ran from behind the door and as I felt a giant looking towards me as I felt the glare as it looked at Hermione and Draco, and we ran as it lumbers after us as we hide in a bell as it lies on its side. I though went and then ran as Acromantulas came, as I then ran out of the way as Acromantulas came and attacked the group of Deatheaters as I felt one look at me what the eyes. They will deal with them as I went.

Elsewhere, Stone lions and the stone eagles were attacking Deatheaters. Hermione duck between two Giants legs and Fenrir was backing Lavander Brown up against the wall.

"Crucio!" A boy shouted.

"No!" I shouted and then changed into my wolf and dived on Greyback ripping him to shreds as he fled and Hermione looked to Worth in shock as I had a dark menacing glare as hairs were up.

A giant then cane after us and the wall was smashed by the giant, as Lavender ran. The three of us race to the front of the school where Deatheaters came flying towards us as I sensed them when suddenly Aberforth and Sirius sent a Patronus and the Dementors bound away from them.

I looked towards Aberforth and Sirius with Amelia and some others and then they turned to the courtyard and ran into the courtyard back into battle. If we live through this...remind me to thank them.

And with that, I, Draco and Hermione run down the steps towards the boat house, as Potter, Finnigan and Weasley follow secretly behind them.


Inside the boat house was Severus and Voldemort as Severus tried to not show how nervous he was.

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand my lord in the last few hours alone." Severus said to Voldemort as he paced around.

"No." Voldemort said back. "No, I am extraordinary..." Voldemort said to him. "But the wand resists me."


I, Draco and Hermione came but the glared to Potter, Weasley and Finnigan  who crouched as well listening. Why did they come? And also, how the hell did they survive? "There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes, it will not fail you." Severus said to him. "I am sure of it." Voldemort stared at Severus. "It answers to you and you only."

"Does it? And I'm not after the boy! I am after the girl!" Voldemort questioned and said and Severus was in horror, why was he after Worth? Why not Potter?

"My lord?" Severus asked him confused.

"The wand, does it truly answer to me?" Voldemort asked as he circled Severus and I listened, even though he killed Dumbledore...I didn't want him dead. "You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does it's true loyalties lie?" Voldemort said and questioned.

"With you of course, My Lord." Severus answered standing there.

"The elder wand cannot serve me properly because I am not it's true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner." Voldemort said and I knew that wasn't true. "You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine." Voldemort said to Severus who felt cold inside. "You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus..." Voldemort said I went wide eyed with terror. No. "But only I can live forever." Voldemort finished and Severus eyes were fixed on Voldemort.

"My lord..." Severus started to ask hesitantly.

Voldemort slices and Severus falls to the floor against the glass.

I though was trying to get to Severus as I was pinned down by Draco and Hermione who knew if she went in would be killed. Even though, Worth didn't want Severus to die, they didn't want her too either.

"Nagini, kill." Voldemort ordered to the snake.

Nagini lunged as I had tears as I was held as I heard the thuds as the snake kept lunging repeatedly thumping him against the glass window. I had tears as I gave up fighting in shock and horror but anger soon rose as I felt deep hatred. I felt deep hatred for Voldemort who will soon die! I didn't care anymore! I had nothing left except my friends...Severus was family too me! Even if he betrayed me...he was still family.

Severus was gasping in pain as he breathed, and Voldemort with Nagini soon left, and I didn't waste no time bolting to Severus's side, knowing he was dying.

Severus was there limp as he bled.

I kneel down and Severus looks to Worth and Potter came. A tear rolls down Severus cheek. "Take them." Severus said to Worth. "Take them." Severus said and Finnigan passed Potter a glass vial and Potter took them and left as Severus looked to Worth as he felt his breathe leaving him.

"You can't die." I whispered with a cracked voice as fear over ran me with sorrow as Severus held her face as he wiped the tear. "You can't leave me like everyone else has." I whispered with tears as I hugged him close as Hermione and Draco had tears. I couldn't lose him too.

"I won't ever really be gone." Severus whispered as he breathed slowly as he looked. "Your the sister I never had." Severus whispered and with that he closed his eyes and sighs and I sobbed into him, knowing he was no longer breathing.

As I got my breathing and tears under control, I felt the anger rise as I got up and marched out with anger and Draco and Hermione exchange worried looks as they followed her.

Suddenly though, the water trembles. And I steadied myself against the glass wall as Hermione and Draco clamped their ears.

"You have fought valiantly but in vain." Voldemort's voice came as Fred was fighting and the curse that hit him didn't harm him. "I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste." Voldemort's voice came as Molly was shutting her eyes in pain. "I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Worthless, I now speak directly to you." Voldemort said as I stood there with rage, as I listened to him, wondering what he wanted now. "On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour." He said and anger boils in me as I looked towards the skies. "Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me." Voldemort's voice said as Potter was glaring after he just got out of the pensive.

"Worthless." Potter sneered as he then went to find the worthless brat who is the cause for all of this.

I though was angered as I glared and with that Draco, Hermione and I went to find out where everyone was.

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