Chapter 2: First Day

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Chapter 2- First Day

The first classes went as would be expected. You got up, introduced yourself and blah blah blah. I should point out that i'm joining in with the seniors due to my age, so it’s a bit unusual for a new student. Also, as far as they know, i'm a normal human, completely oblivious to the hidden world living within. I got a few weird glances from my class mates, I could almost hear the cogs turning in they’re heads. I don’t smell like a werewolf, not deathly pale like a vampire. Not using telepathy like a psionic, no obvious elemental influence. I was a conundrum, and bound to peak their interest. I felt a few nudges at my mind walls. Curious and curiouser, and he has mind blocks, what a peculiar human. Like I said, this was going to be fun.

Each class was the same, I would go in and the teacher would make some remark about having a new student. Then they would rummage around on their desk while I said some stuff. The usual, hi, my name is Dylon. I'm from New Zealand blah blah blah. I never said anything about my powers, though I knew they were dying to ask. Or about why I was here, instead of schooling back in NZ, they don’t have the right to know. After my brief speech the teacher would hand me a tree and sit me in the back to do the work. By tree I mean one that had been turned to paper…as in there were a shit load of pages. They explained that I would have all week to work through them so they could figure out what I need to catch up on.

The English one was torture… i'm fine with spelling and stuff, but this was next level shit. Pretty sure being dissected would be less painful than dissecting these essays. Though I did take great joy in correcting one that thought they were so clever talking about metal working, saying it was wrong is like saying the blitzkrieg was a mistake.

Math was fine, I've always found math easy. Probably seeming as I use it most days in the forge, ratios of metals, physics, that sort of thing. Doesn’t mean I enjoy it.

Biology was interesting; I have a pretty sound knowledge of ‘normal’ biology. All gets a bit tricky when you start the evolution on a supernatural level. Obviously that’s one area ill need to catch up on.

Then it was lunch. I must say the biology class had made me a bit weary of what might be on the menu. I mean, vampires need blood right, so will there be blood sitting in juice machines, you know with sticker ‘O+’ and all that. Or big red bloody steaks for all the wolfsies… or they could just be over used clichés. It seems the later was true as I walked into the cafeteria. I must say this was new, the whole nearly-a-restaurant-but-with-shitter-food thing. Back home you brought your own lunch, or bought it from the shop, here you buy a whole meal actually on campus… this was weird.

 I was waiting in queue to buy something that looked like a pork riblet when the whole cafeteria went dead silent. I looked around trying to find the cause, hoping it wasn’t me, when two bulking guys walk through the doors. People just parted before them like a sea. It was sickening; I thought the whole jock social hierarchy was just an over-used film cliché. Apparently not as the girls pretty much drool over there pumped up steroid asses. I turned around to see I had somehow got to the front of the queue and stepped up to pay for this… food? Good thing I just used a debit card, pay wave, best invention ever. I turn around and fine the two giants right behind me. Guess I tuned out more than I thought. They’re staring at me with neon yellow green eyes. Ooh I remember this bit from the Bio test, means they’re werewolves and that they’re wolf is near the surface. Meh, i'm not fazed.

“Ah, could you move?” I asked; they were blocking the way out holding up the whole line, though no one seemed to mind. The girls were all drooling and they guys were too busy trying to be there friends to stand up against them. Must be nice to have friends :P.

“No” thing 1 replied. I mean they look like twins, and I haven’t met them yet, so thing one is now the one on the left, thing two on the right. Sound good?

“Jerks” I mutter, to which the crowd gives a collective gasp. Guess no one stands up to the things. “Could you just get your asses out the way so everyone can go on with their lives” I snap, maintaining eye contact with both of them, staring them down. I watched as the flinched at the same time from my glare… lol that was fun. With that I shoulder through them to go find a place to sit. As i'm walking past them thing two mutters “Better watch your back newbie”. How original, man these two are boring. With a flick of my wrist I have a dagger at his throat, “Bring it… mutt”.

With that I walk away, leaving a trail of open mouths. Seems everyone was watching the thing show, and wasn’t expecting this. Like I said, this was going to be fun.

Thing one’s POV

That new kid unnerved me. He managed to stare us down, the Alpha’s of the Timberwolf pack, well future alphas. No one has ever done that before; not even our teachers, though were not really the going to class type. Dad likes to do the whole learning from experience thing for both of us to take over the Alpha duties after we graduate. Since were twins, which is rare, and both being Alpha’s, which has never been heard of, we’ve decided to rule together, instead of fighting for the title, like other brothers do. This means our pack will be exceptionally strong, though to be honest the Timberwolf pack is already the strongest in America, probably even the world.

And then there was that knife. He didn’t even blink and he had it pressed up against my brother, Drake's, neck. I didn’t even see where it came from he moved that quickly. Even though our wolves were on edge in our bodies. Something about him made them nervous aswell, that’s why we were trying to intimidate him, looks like that didn’t work.

“You know Drake; I don’t think he’s human after all” I stated to my brother.

“No shit Josh, I will give him points for guts though” My brother said. He hadn’t stopped glaring at the human, Dylon Blackwood, since he walked away.

“What are you glaring at anyway, yeah he stood up to us; about time someone around here grew a pair” I said, turning to look at him. To be fair I hadn’t stopped staring at him either.

“You would too if you just had a knife held to your throat” he retorted. Turning to flick me a glare before going back to stare at Dylon who was aimlessly walking over to an empty table, clearly not fazed by the stares and the whispers. “It’s not that he had a weapon, it’s that neither of us would have been to stop him from slicing my throat, it’s got my wolf riled up. We need to watch him.”

“Fine I’ll set one of the Pack on lookout duty; we’ll go see the Prince to see if we can put someone in all his classes. I wonder what electives he’s taking”

“You know he doesn’t like us calling him that, he’s the Principal, not royalty.”

“Whatever, we needed to go see him anyway; Dad said we had some paperwork to pick up for him. Something about the house on the edge of Campus.”

“Meh, we’ll go after lunch, I don’t care much for Alpha class. It’s only us reading over the Pack treatises anyway.”

AN well heres another part for my non existent audience. Meh, this is basically just what i've been doing in my study breaks. Uni exams... such fun. Again, if anyone wants to make me some art, would greatly appreciate it. Unfortunatly, art is not my forte...

Also, any editing note would be appreciated.

TimberwolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora