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Lately, Alabama passed the so-called "heart-beat-bill". It is a law, concerning the laws or rights of abortions. According to this new law women in Alabama are not allowed to receive and doctors are not allowed to perform abortions as soon as a baby's heartbeat can be detected. Sounds weird? This is the biggest bullshit I have heard these days.

Now, let's look at the facts.
A baby's heartbeat may be detected 6 weeks into the pregnancy. Yup, that's early. The real problem: By then, many women don't even know they are pregnant.
I am pro-choice in general and anti-abortion/pro-life for myself. Reads: I don't ever want to get an abortion myself but if another woman decides she wants to then that is none of my fucking business. I consider abortion as murder and could never do that, at least currently. But what can I say? I am a seventeen point five years old virgin -and I'm not talking about my zodiac sign here...

But just because this is how I feel, does not give me the right to take another woman's right to a healthy, save abortion if that is what she wants for herself. And let's make something clear: No woman in the world decides to have an abortion light heartedly.
I don't remember what exactly the bill said but I know that incest was a reason to still have an abortion. I do not know if the law builds an exception for rape.

And I know that a woman travelling to another state or country to have an abortion will also be punished on the background of this law.

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