Chapter Five

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     She woke with a start and groaned. The dim lamp glowing beside her revealed her old room in the depths of the compound. Looks like Weiss won the quarantine issue. She reached for the scroll on the side table to see if anyone left her an explanation.

               How could you?

     She blinked. Yang sent that?

               We trusted you.



     Even Book had given up?

     What had she done to cause this? Angrily wiping at tears she scrolled through many similar messages from other people until she got to one from Weiss.

                I knew you couldn't be trusted. We have no way of knowing

           how many more trigger words he embedded in your brain. It was

         hard enough to calm people down after you killed three of the residents

         but this time there's no way I can cover for you. Since that stupid button

        didn't work we have no choice but to leave you there where you can't

        reach anyone. As many times as Dr. Cansado insists you had no control,

       I can't believe him. You were clearly enjoying yourself.

       No more chances.


     Ruby dropped the scroll and curled up on the narrow bed. She had killed more people? The first time she had false memories but this time there was nothing... had she been killing in her sleep?

     When her tears finally dried she looked around the room. She wore a simple shirt and pants made of flimsy material. No weapon, no books, no sharp objects at all. There was an extra set of clothing folded on a shelf, a small towel and simple bathroom with nothing more than necessary. She sighed and sat heavily on the bed again.

     She was alone with her thoughts. When she tried to send a message to Yang she discovered that she had been blocked. It was the same with everyone. All she had were messages filled with disappointment and anger.

     For three days she sat alone in the room. When anyone needed to enter a gas was pumped into the room that rendered her unconscious. She never saw the doctors. When she woke there would be food and clean clothes but nothing else. Most of her time was spent crying or staring at the wall wondering how long she could stand to live like this. Alone with only the vague knowledge that more than a few people were dead because of her and even her sister couldn't forgive her for whatever was done.

     Then a chime thundered through the room.

     She knew it hadn't been loud, she had just gotten so used to the silence that it seemed almost unbearable. She picked up the scroll, hoping it was Book or Yang... but there was no name beside the message.

               They will never trust you. They will never let you out.

     The text made her stomach churn. It was true...

               Who are you?

She waited anxiously for a response.

               The only one who still has faith in you. If you want me to

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