'Creative persona'

21 1 0

He hid
behind his flaws,
his colors,
the tattoos
that stretched on his arms.

He was told he wasn't enough
because of this 'creative persona'
that he decided to show
all over his body,
unlike the others
who used theirs differently.

Some thought
it was a way of rebellion,
to show he was tough.

Others thought
of it as a pity.
Feeling pitiful for the mother
and how he must of lost hope
as he realized the lack of jobs
he could possibly gain.

he only saw it as himself,
but the comments,
some so harsh,
so unnecessary,
it made him bleed.

Other times
it made him see clearly.
how the world works
with its different mindsets
and controlling pieces.

The only thing he had regret
was the lack of action
he took a part
against the judgement,

but let that be
no longer the problem
as there are many others
with similar and different dilemmas.  

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