1. Curiosity

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She looked on her phone, scrolling through applications.
Something caught her eye.
"Huh, an insane asylum? That ought to be interesting..." She tapped on the apply button and grabbed her wallet, taking out her credit card and typing in the number, sending it to the website.

"I can't wait... I wonder if my brother would like to go."
She called out.
A squeaky voice sounded with a bit of cracking.
"Yeah, sis?"
She replied.
"Do you wanna go on a tourist attraction with me?"
Rushing footsteps were audible.
"I'm always up for a bit of action! Count me in!"

His head popped through the doorframe, his eyes were as black as night, they loimed like they were missing, but it was called an 8 ball fracture, where damage goes to your eye and your retina, iris, and pupil fill with blood.
His scrawny arms and his brown rusted hair, cute glasses, too.

She grinned.
He hopped onto the bed with her.
"When do we start?"

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