Life Is FUCKING GREAT *angerly slams head through wall* just fUCKING PERFECT!!!

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Some news to spill

My mom may have breast cancer. She found a couple of lumps and the doctor says that she is too old for sists (sry if i spelled that wrong) but they won't know for sure yet until Wednesday.

She's the only parent that understands my mental health. She's the one who says, 'don't look at it as a disorder. Because then that means something is wrong with you, when there's not a thing.' When my dad will go, 'if you want to die then go ahead and kill yourself.' She had helped me through so much. I can't deal with it if she does. My grandpa had prostate cancer and he almost died when i was five. I went through so much back then, and i'm not even that close to him. I won't be able to go through that again. Especially if it's my own mother lying in a hospital bed. I can't. I probably sound like a whiney bitch trying to get attention on the internet so i'll go.....

Peace bitches ✌

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