The lines

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When I tell you I'll be fine

I still want you by my side

Please just try to read between the lines

Where's my comfort in the undefined

Please just try to read between the lines

The next couple days went in a dazed blur of doctors and everyone constantly asking if Andy was okay, his answer stayed as a small nod and a mumble of the word ‘yes’ shortly followed by ‘I’m sure’. He was sat in the uncomfortable hospital bed white bandages wrapped around his arms, a drip in his right hand, a long, dull, hospital gown covered the rest of his body to about his knee. He looked up as he saw his fellow band members walk in with a camera. He stared at them and frowned, “What’s that for?” he said nervously, wiggling his toes.

Patrick starts setting up the camera on the tripod as Pete walks over, “They want us all to make a video statement, saying how you are, where you are and what happened… Sorry.” He said softly, “I had to do something about mine, so they’re expecting one from you. Joe’s is gonna stay in here with you while you do it and me and trick will go buy us all coffee from that vegan place you love.” Pete informed before giving Andy a brief back pat, then leaving Patrick trailing behind him. Joe moved and stood behind the camera, “Just uh explain what happened and why and stuff, then the record company will edit it and put it up on the social media sites.” He said sadly, looking at Andy with tired eyes.

Andy took a breath and looked at Joe, “I’m sorry I did this Joe. It’s nothing to do with you, I should be over the moon that you like me how like you but everything just came crashing down the last few days and I’m really sorry. I’m sorry that I hurt you in the way I did. I just want to say; I love you and I’m sorry, can we start again?”

Joe slowly walked over to him and sat on the edge of the hard hospital bed taking holding of Andy’s hand, “Yeah… I like the sound of that.” He whispered and leant down, placing a brief kiss on Andy’s cheek as a sign of support. Andy squeezed his hand and smiled softly, the first time in days. He was happy that Joe understood, Joe read between the lines and understood what Andy really needed. Things were starting to look up. 

Trohley- happiness isn't a destination; it's a jouney.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt