"It's at night when we come alive."

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"the moon was their sun,
the night was their day.
she wanted him forever.
to be with him until time waned."


_i wanted to write some bittersweet love
stories featuring everyone's favourite 4 _loverboys

_some are sweet
_some are spicy
_some are heartbreaking and a little too 'real'
_but all have Love in them

_and Love conquers them all



_all of these short stories are canon in the Lovers: Boarding School universe
_they may contain spoilers for current/future plot lines in the series
_you don't need to read Lovers: Boarding School to enjoy these stories, but if you're interested by all means ;)
_there will only be four short stories :'(
_but they'll be in the perspective of our 4 _loverboys :)



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