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Dedicated to aalyaz

Happy (belated) Birthday!

I know I'm a week late but this 10k word story took FOREVER for me to finish! 😭

I don't know how old you are, what you look like, or even your real name (wow I don't know a lot about you) but thank you for being God's gift to the world because you're irreplaceable 💜

Forgive me for killing off *you know who* 😢

I love ya!

[*WARNING*: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR LOVERS: BOARDING SCHOOL VOL.1. If you do not want to be potentially spoiled for LBS1 (already COMPLETED) DO NOT READ THIS SHORT STORY!]

*Also needs editing*


Thank you and enjoy!

> D:1
> Gin
> D:3
           > error_E9


What should I get her for Christmas?

The answer to his question had been as elusive to him as the "meaning" of Christmas.

Was Christmas a capitalist construct manufactured to sell a perverse amount of material goods in the name of good will, gift giving, and tradition?

Was it an all-encompassing mass delusion brought on by a cult of sentimentality that worshiped a fat man in a red suit, decorative dead pine trees, exploited flying reindeer, and virulently catchy Christmas music?

What the fuck was Christmas?

"How do I tie this thing?"

For the past five minutes, Gin tried—and failed—to tie a silk black bow tie around the collar of his crisp white dress shirt. He had bought the thing on a whim, thinking it was a clip-on he could've easily snapped around his neck and be on his way to do better, filthier things with the limited time he had on this Earth. Unfortunately for someone who took less than three minutes to dress himself daily, it wasn't.

"Fuck," Gin hissed as he left the silk ribbon hanging off his shoulder. Feeling his annoyance prickle heat across his forehead, he straightened his cuff links and stared at his reflection in the full length mirror he stood in front of.

Aren't you a handsome devil?

Tall. Dark. Handsome. With his jet black hair cleanly coiffed with gel and his perfectly toned body adorned with the finest duck-tailed, three piece tuxedo he could purchase off the rack, Gin Dolor could find no fault in his attire or his appearance. A pair of steely gray eyes and a personality that matched the Devil's in impunity topped an already perfect specimen of upper crust arrogance, and he would've been as proud and conceited as he always was—if it weren't for the yellowing bruises that speckled under his eyes and cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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