The Battle Of The Glades Pt3

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'Mormon powers activated' Susie screams

She runs and the demorgorgan then jumps, she can now fly!

She surmons her magical Mormon sword.

'BEGONE THOT!' She screams

It's tentacles go flying at her but she cuts them off one by one.

Eleven then picks up the Krispy kremes stall and throws it at its head causing it to be distracted.

Susie then stabs her sword into his head and paraslsying him but he captures Skye.

Skye then gets eaten alive.

'Save meeeee' Screams from inside the stomach

'Skye ur still alive?!!' Ryan and Caitlin scream

'Yessssss now get ur fucking asses moving and save me!!!'

Ryan grabs his bat and starts to hit the beast over the head while caitlin grabs her knife and cuts him open.

The beast collapses and turns into the flayed slug people. Skye is covered in them.

'OMG bitches my designer clothes'

'Shup' They all shout

'So we've won the battle?!' Ryleigh asks

'I think so' Ellie replies

'Well kirsty does kareoke v2 is OK ig' Madz says

'Do u want an encour?!!' Kirsty replies

'NO!!!' They all scream

'Fine didn't have to shout it'

So they've won the battle of the glades , what happens next?

To be continued

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