Treasures that lay beyond the Thorns

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Treasures that lay beyond the Thorns

A long time ago in the late year of 1593, before there was advance technology and very little was known about the human body, nature, and science. Houses were made from logs; people used fire places, and lived off the land. People lived in small villages some more spread out then others.

There was a village in Germany named Ada meaning noble. It was a very close environment and everyone knew each other, Achima, a citizen of Ada was a spirited old lady who lived by herself after the tragic loss of her husband, Etzel. Lonely, she Achima turned to nature for an escape. In her back yard laid a garden full of flowers; all of them had tall, sleek, green stems, smooth leaves and beautiful, vibrant buds in various colors such as red, yellow, blue, orange, and purple. But there was one flower that had dark green spiky leaves, and her stem was armed with many thorns, she was small and didn't have a bud. She was not considered beautiful at all. Many people in the village told her it was a weed but Achima refused to remove it. No matter how many times her son and friends told her how hideous the weed made her garden; she would ignore them and admire her little children. Everyday she would go out flick the bugs off her flowers and fix their leaves. Before she laid to rest every night she would took out her window to check her precious garden. Her garden replaced the empty void in her heart. Her son Adam offered to remove the weed from her garden but she simply made some tea, sat in her rocking chair and looked out the window. "Son, she began, when you lay in my stomach so many years ago, I was not the pretties, nor am I now", she said. "Mom you are so pretty", Adam replied. Achima sipped her tea, and rocked back and forth a couple times before speaking, "Adam............ no one stays beautiful forever, nor is one person beautiful in everybody's eyes; now I am old, grey, wrinkly, and nothing but skin and bones", his mother finished. The cabin went silent, all that made a sound was the low cracking of the fire place. Adam leaned against the door frame starring at his mother as she looked through window. "Mother you're too much old and bridle to be living by yourself, and this cabin is large enough for us both", Adam explained. "NO", Achima yelled. "I am an independent woman, I don't need to be babysat", she said harshly while slamming down her cup. "Its time for you to go now", Achima cried. Adam out his head down and slowly and quietly opened the door slipped out of it and shut it before Achima could turn her head from the floor where the broken glass laid.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2010 ⏰

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