Just a 'normal' Morning

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*Author pov*

Just a morning, thats captioned normal for stray kids. These crackheads their routine- First, lets take a look into their rooms. 

Well, to begin

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Well, to begin. Room 1: Our loved tOTaLLy NoT WeIrD leader Bang Chan, our weirdo Minhoe (Minho/Lee know), Everyone's first bias Hyunjin, And our 2nd baby Seungmin. Room 2: The squat of the group: Talented singe Woojin (they all are ;) Don't be mad), Our aegyo king Changbin, and mister freckles aka Lee Felix. Then room 3: Seems like the most calm and peacful room, you thought, the most hyper souls of the group are put together; The squirel Jisung and brace baby Jeongin. Room 4: Thats where all the skz girlfriends are sleeping, the boys call it the Gfriend zone, becouse the girls gave the room a make over and everywhere are posters of all kpop groups you could think of, They have own boxes with their photocards and other stuff they needa protecc, and much more. The girls are there like E V E R Y D A Y  even if they don't want to, their boyfriends just love them so much :,). 

Well this is how the morning went:

Room 1 was calm: Chan was still sleeping paecfully, Minho was also sleeping (as always), Hyunjin and seungmin where awake and just chillin' on their phones. But normally they would wake their roommates up with loud music, and dancing but today Chan and Minho seemed too peacful to disturb them, so they left them alone. 

Room 2 was a difference ; Felix was awake, turning on the music, practicing with their new dance choreo, Changbin was taesing Felix while practicing by saying things like: "Oehh, your so sexy~ Oh Felix! No, Felix No, No! My heart! Ahh~" Just to distract him. Woojn, was just laughing at them and minding his own shit, aka his phone, his little child. 

Room 3, what a mess as always; They where in the kitchen trying to make food (Chan how could you put them together?!) Jisung already burned the toasts, jeongin did well, but still something was wrong.. Dont let babies cook!

Well, then we have the girls..; "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHFRIWURFJWEIDJ" A loud shout was heard. "WHAT" Lena woke up. "WHERE IS MY JUNGKOOK PHOTOCARD!" Yuki yelled. Jae was just on her phone, with earbuds in. "Under your pillow as always" Yuki threw her pillow to the other side of the room. "NO IT ISN'T!!" She yelled. "Umg! How could i lose it?! My preciouse baby i gone :,(" She whined. "Is all good, we will buy a new one, now shut up and sleep" Lena said as she layed down again. Yuki sighed and went to check on her boyfriend; Felix. When she opened the door to their room, loud music was on, Felix was chasing Changbin, and woojin was filming it. "Wtf are you weirdos doing" She said as she entered the room. "Oh, Hi babe~" Felix said as he noticed Yuki. "Changbin wouldn't stop disturbing Felx while he was practicing" Woojin explained shortly. "Ah, just a normal mornig" Yuki nod as she plopped down on felix' bed. 

"BrEakFaST IS rEaDY!!!!" Jisung yelled. "Oh no~" Minho groaned. "Who the heck let them into the kitchen?!" Chan said. "Well no one stopped them" Hyunjin said. "C'mon guys, let's give it a try, maybe we won't get poisend this time" Seungmin said jokingly. "I'll call the ambulance already" Chan said as they got up and went to the living room. 

Jisung put all the boards with food on the table while Jeongin went to put the drinks ready. "Oh no, i smell something burning" Chan said as he entered the kitchen. "Yeah.. I maybe burned a few toasts... But i am sure they still taste good!!" Jisung said hopefull. "I am groot" Chan mumbled, seungmin laughed. 

Then Jae and Lena entered the room. "Heloo~" Jae said as she backhugt her loved squirel like boyfriend; Jisung. Jisung smiled softly. Lena walked up to seungmin and gave him a smack on his head, and walked past him like nothing happend. "Hey!" Seungmin said, as he walked after Lena to grab her hair and pull her into a 'you also goodmorning kiss'. They then smiled softly at each other (Such a perfect couple UwU) Until now everyone took a seat already, waiting for the others to show up. 

A few minutes of waiting finaly room 3 showed up. Felix and Yuki where walking with their fingers intertwined, Changbin and woojin where mocking them. "What did you burn now JiJi" Yuki asked as she sniffed the air. "N-nothing" Jisung said, acting like nothing happend. Then everyone took a seat ; Chan and minho where sitting infront of each other, next to them where Lena and Seungmin in front of each other, Then Jae and Jisung sat next to each other nect to Lena, and next to seungmin Felix and Yuki were sitting next to each other, next seats where changbin and woojin infront of each other, and hyunjin and jeongin infron of each other. " Anyone some juice?" Jeongin asked with his softest cutest voice. (UWUWUWU BABY JEONGINNIE) Everyone nod, and Jeongin went to grab some glasses and juice for everyone. After that a awlward silence took over. Everyone awkwardly looked at each other. "So.. Are we gonna eat or.." Jisung said awkwardly. "I- I am not really hungr-" Yuki wanted to say as she gave a disgusted look at the food. "NO YOU LIL FUCK UR GONNA EAT MY FOOD" Jisung yelled. Yuki widen her eyes and laughed. "Damn, you want me to die dont ya" She said jokingly. "What? It isn't poisoned or anything!" Jisung said. "Baby, are you sure about that-" Jae asked. "WhAT? SuRe I Am! I wOUlD NeVeR PoIsOn YOu GuYs!!!" Jisung said, lowkey hurt. "Okay, okay we'll eat it!" Woojin said. Jisung gave him a satisfied smile. "Thank you Hyung" Everyone except for Jisung gave each other a unsure and scared look. Then they took their first bite and tried to keep everything inside their mounths. "Hmmm.. Tasty..~" Jeongin said as he tried to be nice. "Ah, Really?!" Jisung said with high hopes. "No it's disgusting" Lena said as she spit everything out. Jisung then gave her a resting bitch face. "Wew really you guys.." Jisung sighed. Then everyone spit the food out and took their drinks. "At least you tried hon' " Jae said, trying to pity him. Jisung gave her a soft smile in response. "Allright so, lets order some food" Yuki and Hyunjin said in harmony. Everyone agreed.

ThIs WaS ThE FiRsT PaRt Of DiS CraCk BoOk, HopE yOu EnjoYed 

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ThIs WaS ThE FiRsT PaRt Of DiS CraCk BoOk, HopE yOu EnjoYed 


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