The Legendary forest

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Once upon a time, there was a posessed forest with a appalling legend stuck in it. The legend said, that in the deep part of the wood, it existed a deep mist that cursed the forest. If a person gets into the mist, it makes the person see an illusion of the forest in a strange and scary way. In the very deepest part of the forest it was said that there was a monster called the "Gumiho", that lured around. It was a very ugly and fearsome fox with nine tails that poisoned you with it's bite. The curse made everyone see the gumiho like a beauty, not like any other they ever had seen before. The Gumiho lured them closer, and captured them into her fragrance. Then, it ate the victim's liver when they were alive, and turned them into a monster to live and haunt in the forest forever.

One day a pair of friends went by the forest in the beautiful evning. The sun had just started to set in the horisont and the clouds were evenly placed on the sky. They sat down on a bench beside the forest while playing around with each other.

"Hey, have you thought about were we are? We are just beside the famous legenary forest." one of the girls said. They all turned their heads and looked behind them on the forest that had a small tint of mist, even if the day was sunny.

"Oh that legend! But, it can't be true. It is just a myth." the other girl said.

"Jasper, you like these kinds of things. I dare you to go into the forest," one of the guys said to the boy named Jasper. Jasper looked at the guy with eyes that told him "no way."

"Why? C'mon. Unless you really belive that the Gumiho exist." the guy said teasingly.

"What? No way I belive in such lame things. "

"Or that you think you won't be able to resist the Guminho. It may be so "beautiful" that you'll lose your senses. Not that you really have any but still" he said and the girls laughed.

"Of course I won't fall for a monster, how hot it yet might be, it's still a monster", Jasper said and glared at them.

"Go on in then. Show me that you are a man, you coward." the girl said and they all laughed. Jasper glared at them with a "oh, oh, you're SO funny" kind of look. He looked at the forest that stared right back at him. He felt the fear rise inside him but started to walk with small steps towards the forest. He sent a last glance toward's his friends that stood and watched him. He gathred his courage and went into the strange forest.

The forest was frightening with a quiet spoky sound surrounding it. The most of the trees were dead without any leaves and stood thin and pointy up towards the hidden sky. It wasn't green and lively like a normal forest, it was more blue-grey like he walked in a dream. The ground was moist from theheavy mist that which was the heaviest on the ground. He heard many strange sounds from inside the forest, but couldn't see what made it, or what it said. He went further into the forest and felt a strong feeling inside him, almost as he couldn't stop his actions. He felt the fear rising up in his body and he felt dizzy. Even if it wasn't a path he followed in the forest, his legs went on their own through the wood. He felt eyes on him like the forest was watching him, but couldn't see anyone.

The forest got colder and colder, the murmur rised as he walked on and the mist got deeper and deeper. He thought he could regonize some eyes staring at him sometimes, but they disappeared as he looked again. He felt even dizzier and he just wanted to run away, but something in his head forbid him to stop. He felt weak and emty, just as a pale ghost.

Suddenly, his body stopped. He looked around and saw nothing, but a blueish mist was all around him. The few trees he could regonize were all just frightening and looked like they grew and drew closer him. His breath started to be uneven as he circled around himself and saw something freaky. Some eyes popped out from the mist, and stared at him as they draw near. The creatures were like brown thin skelletons with a crouched back and small heads. They lifted their arms like zombies while slowly making Jasper back off. More and more strange creatures in all sizes came out from the mist and slowly grew nearer him. The murmur grew as it appeared more and more. Jasper panicked. There were now around 30 creatures walking against him. He wanted to run far, far away, but his body still could not control itself.

"Don't be afraid."

Jasper turned around in surprise. A girl stood on the top of a small hill. She had long, beautiful blonde hair and wore a white dress that made her look like an angel in heaven. She had a smile that lit up the whole horrifying forest.

"Come here, I will protect you." she said with her soft voice. The place where she stood on the hill was lit up, even if there wasn't any sunlight. The mist was gone, just in the place she stood on. Jasper walked towards her, up on the hill. Suddenly, his head felt much lighter, almost as he flied. The monsters stayed below the hill and the horryfying sounds got more distant. All he could focus on was the girl now. Her skin was practically glowing and her moves were so smooth. Her purple, big eyes looked right into Jaspers and capured his gaze. Jasper went closer until they only were half a meter from each other.

"Don't be afraid", she said once again. Jasper felt his body heating up. He still felt dizzy and he couldn't think straight. Was he getting a fever?

"Wh-what are you doing here? It's dangerous." he said slowly. The girl smiled at him and flipped back her hair. He felt a smell, incredible strong, but couldn't figure out what it was from. He felt everything before his eyes gettin blurry, and the only thing he could see was her, the beautiful girl.

"The forest is not like you see it, it is all an illusion. Everything here is an illusion." she said with her angel voice.

"B-but... what? Who are you then?" Jasper said. She let out a small laugh, and put her head to the side while staring right in to Jaspers eyes.

"I'm the master of the forest. I'm the creator of everything in here. Everything in here is under my control" she said while leaving her and Jasper only centimeters apart. She run her fingertips down his face and gently stroke his cheek.

"Including you" she said and put her head on his shoulder. Her body felt cold, and her smell was the most deep smell that he ever felt. He saw something appearing in the back of her. Nine small tails with sharp egdes showed up under her dress. He felt her hands turning into claws, and her hair turned brown. She lifted her head and looked in his eyes. Jasper saw her purple eyes turning into yellow cat eyes that stared at him. His head felt like it was exploding and his body was paralyzed.

"I'm your master, the Gumiho."

He fell to the ground as he was attacked by the tails. He now saw the forest clearly like it really was. It was all black, with zombie-like creatures everywhere, luring around. The mist that was there before, was replaced by a black dim that made the place even scarier and more horrofying. He felt good inside. His body was light and his head was blank. He tried to stand up, and it went incredible well. Jasper went to a black pool of dirty water and looked at his reflection. He saw a horryfying creature, that was like the other monsters. He was now one of the guminhos monsters without liver, captured in the legendary Guminho forest forever.


This was a story I did as a work for school. Hope you liked it and didn't get too scared hahah :D

Like and comment please!!! <3


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2012 ⏰

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