!Before the story starts!

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This is my first book ever! The main character is the OC I made for myself, Haruka Hanano. The name is the name I chose in my Japanese class. Her age, birthday- basically every thing is from me. I made this OC to be me if I were Japanese and look the way I do now. I added quirks that fit my personality and interests. So let's describe Haru my Japanese doppelgänger-
First name: Haruka はろか
Last name: Hanano はなの
Nickname: Haru, flower child, painter
Sex: Female, is also Bi
Age: 15
Birthday: 4/20 (no I'm not making it up it's true)
Height: About 5'2
Eye color: Blue with some silver. Has bad eyesight and needs glasses
Skin color: white/pale peach
Hair color: Blonde, like a dark gold color, has a little bit of red
Hair length: just about reaches the arm pits
Hair type: its naturally wavy and a little curly. It gets Very curly when it gets wet and starts to dry. Also has bangs that sometimes annoy her.
Personality: My-oops her personality is that she is usually an extroverted person. But she can also be very calm. She can sometimes be very introverted. She is very shy about her art and singing voice despite having quirks to are about those two things. But she still loves to sing even if she thinks her voice is bad, and art is one of her passions. She loves cracking dirty jokes. And is a MASSIVE bookworm. If she is not drawing, singing, playing video games, or hanging out with friends you would find me ahem I mean you would probably find her in the library.
So this Is me KOFF KOFF, DANGIT! This is Haruka

So this Is me KOFF KOFF, DANGIT! This is Haruka

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Okay now the quirks. If you read the personality description you could see that I love the arts. And so I ended choosing two that fit me the best. Okay here they are ——
Painter: I can expel paint from my body and create things or I can draw it and create it that way. I need to know what it looks like to make it become real. When I create living things, if they get hurt I feel their pain. My blood has ink in it, so I drink ink to replenish what I lost using my quirk. To me ink tastes good.
If I overuse it or get close to my limit I start to get a headache then migraine and eventually pass out . And any thing I made or drew will melt into puddles of ink.
Sing: basically like present mic. I can make my voice really loud like he can if needed. This quirk makes singing really powerful.The type of song has different effects. For example lullaby's make you feel sleepy. Smexy songs can hypnotize you. Christian can calm my anxiety and give energy. Those are just some examples
Overuse can result in voice cracks. And sore throat, if i continue I lose my voice.

Okay!! That's all ! Remember though this is my first book. I don't have any idea if I should do love interests, you can vote in the comments for who you think it should be.

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