Chapter 13

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I awoke the light coming through the window and Kankuro rubbing lazy circles along my back. I turned to look at him and smiled.

"Good morning gorgeous." He spoke quietly but with an eye crinkling smile on his face.

"Good morning Kankuro. Did you sleep well?"

"Very much so. What about you?"

"I slept okay."

"What are your plans today?" He asked.

"I need to get back into shape. Three and a half months of no training has not done well for my body. I need to do endurance before I do anything else." He nodded.

"May I join? Or even watch?" He asked. "I want to see more into how you were trained."

"If you want, we'll go out on a trip when I'm better. An," I stopped to think. "Endurance trip." I said with a smile. "But if you want to do that, you have to follow my regiment and not complain if I don't eat for a day or two. You don't have to follow that part, I don't expect you to."

He eyed me closely. "You can't skip meals. I don't even like skipping one."

"Imagine this." I said standing up and dressing myself. "You're on a journey to Konoha. You're ransacked within half your travel and you lose your food. You have to continue for at least another day before you can get food." I looked towards him.

"I'll join you." He said reluctantly. "You have a point."

"Let's go have a light breakfast and we'll start." I said watching as he dressed himself.

We ate a very light breakfast and made it to a large room with some training equipment. "It used to be for balls. But we no longer hold them. So Temari, Gaara and I use it for training. So what are we starting with?" He asked.

"Stretches. You're body won't be used to this so it's best to stretch to prepare it." We did a handful of stretches before I knew we were ready. "You may want to use a wall for this." I said with a giggle as I flipped myseld upside down, using both hands. "I need both hands as my body is weaker at the moment. Once you can hold yourself up on two hands go to one. And then, you might find this unpreferable, I add in a split." I said spreading my legs into a split. I looked up at him from my upside down perspective and smiled. I heard him sigh before he walked away. I began doing small pushups to help my arms.

By the end of the day, I was extremely sore from lack to training. Kankuro had managed to be able to stand on both hands for a couple minutes before the blood got to his head. That was one of the other things I had learned to do. Regulating blood flow helped if you were in a dangerous situation and needed to reserve the blood from an injury.

Within the next week, my body was starting to feel stronger, but I still didn't feel up to par. We spent another week training on basics till I felt good.

Kankuro and I were now sitting down with his sibilings and eating. He ate faster than me. I knew he was ravenous as he hadn't eaten in two days, following my lead. His body wasn't used to it.

"Kankuro, slow down, you're gonna make yourself sick. Did you skip lunch?" Temari asked like a stern mother.

"That and breakfast and dinner for two days. I'm fucking hungry." He said shoveling more food into his mouth.

"Why did you not eat?" Gaara asked resting his head atop his folded hands.

I giggled as Kankuro waved at me to answer as he was too busy stuffing his face. "I've been training to get back into shape the last two weeks. Kankuro followed the regiment I'm used to, I wasn't anywhere nearly as strict on him as my mentors were to me."

Kankuro X OCWhere stories live. Discover now