A Planned Vacation.

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"I'm off, mom!" Lucy says as she leaves her house. As usual there waiting for her is her handsome boyfriend.

"Hey!" Lucy says hugging her boyfriend.

"Hey beautiful!" Natsu says kissing her on the forehead.

"You look gorgeous today!" Natsu says.

"Natsu, dear, I always look like this." Lucy says giggling.

"Hm. Are you sure? You must be getting more gorgeous by the day then!" Natsu says. Lucy blushes at her sweet boyfriend.

"Oh, hush. Your making me blush!" Lucy says covering her cheeks. Then Lucy's mom sticks her head out the door.

"Hey, Natsu! Your as cute as always!" Layla yells.

"Thank you, Mrs. Heartfallia!" Natsu yells back.

"Are you coming over for dinner?" Layla asks.

"Don't I always?" Natsu answers.

"True, you do! I'll see you later." Layla says going back into her house. Lucy face palms her forehead and takes a deep breath.

"I swear, if I wasn't dating you she would be!" Lucy says as they start walking. Natsu laughs.

"You know what?" Natsu says.

"What?" Lucy asks.

"I think she likes me." Natsu says walking with his chest puffed out. Lucy face palmed again.

"Natsu, sometimes I wander if your brain goes on a vacation." Lucy says then giggles at her comment.

"Speaking of! My dad has planned this coming up summer! We're, as in me and you and the gang, are going to an island resort!! We'll be getting there by a cruise ship and the cruise is a week long then we'll spend as long as we want at the resort and come back home!" Natsu says excitedly.

"Really!?" Lucy says jumping in front of him.

"Yeah!" Natsu says. Lucy pretend to faint then stands up hyperly.

"Oh! Plus just me and you are going on a vacation on spring break!" Natsu says. Lucy's cheeks turn red completely as she replays the words her boyfriend just said.

'Just.. Me..and..Natsu..!!!' She thinks as she grips her chest.

"ce? Luce? Luce?" Natsu finally calls her back to reality.

"Hm?" Lucy jots up with her cheeks flushed completely.

"Are yo-?" Lucy quickly cut him off.

"I'm fine! I was just lost in thought. I can't believe that we've been together for about 4 years now!" Lucy says smiling.

"Me either. I always thought you'd get with Gray, Loki, or Hibiki." Natsu says. Lucy busted out laughing.

"As if! Maybe Gray, but Loki? Hibiki? Now that I couldn't see!" Lucy says as she fell to the ground laughing.

"You sure? Those guys are the 'popular' boy type." Natsu says. Lucy stops laughing.

"So are you, but you have something none of them ever had." Lucy says with a straight face as she gets up and puts her arms around his neck.

"What would that be?" Natsu asks.

"My heart." Lucy answers as she leans up and the couple shares a passionate kiss.

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