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"You're an asshole."

"And don't I know it." Rye smiled at the boy.

"Where are you going?" The small boy asked, reaching out from the bed and grabbing Rye's wrist.

"I've got something to do." The brunette rolled his eyes.

"Yeah you do, me." The blond rolled his eyes back.

Rye had to admit he liked that boy, he wasn't like the others, and he wasn't clingy, he was in it for the sex just as much as Rye was.

"Oi mysterious fucker." He laughed, standing up now as he stood on his tiptoes and kissed Ryans lips.

"I love that you don't know my name." The taller boy smiled.

"I love that you don't know mine." He smirked, pulling his boxers on.

"Call me tomorrow; I'll fuck you until you can't walk anymore." Rye leaned down, pecking his lips.

"Mmh deal." He laughed

"Now, I've gotta go. Get dressed and leave asap." Ryan had grabbed his clothes and thrown them at him, earning a glare.

"ASSHOLE!" He shouted as Rye left.

But just as he shut the door, he got a call. The caller read 'Vicky' and so be immediately picked up, hoping to hear her tell him she was already there, but he was disappointed when she informed him that she wouldn't be able to make it.

And so Rye turned around, unlocked the door and walked back to the blond -who was zipping his jeans up.

"Change of plan, take your clothes off," Rye muttered, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Sorry mate, gonna have to find a different fuck buddy tonight, my boyfriend just called." The blond sighed.

"Boyfriend?" Rye would have been lying if he said he wasn't completely and utterly confused.

"polyamorous" the blond mumbled pulling on his top.

"Aren't all partners meant to know?" The brunette raised an eyebrow.

"Must've forgotten." The blond shrugged.

"Wait. What?" The brown-eyed boy was confused, perplexed in fact.

"Look me and you, us," the blue-eyed boy said, pointing between the two of them, "we're just sex. Okay? This means nothing to me. You have a good cock, congrats by the way, and you happen to be really hot. Except I have a boyfriend, who I have an actual relationship with and know his name, so mysterious fucker, I'm going to go tend to my boyfriends' needs."

"But that's not how it works-"

"It's how it works in my world." The blond smiled, pecking the brunette's lips before pulling his shoes on and putting his Keys in his pockets. "Bye, boo."

And then the blond turned around, swaying his hips as he walked through the door.


Andy walked down the street, keys in between his teeth, vape in one hand (DONT @ ME) and struggling to scroll through his contacts with the other.

As soon as he came across the contact that read 'Em x' he clicked straight away, letting the phone ring as he placed it in between his shoulder and ear so he could take a drag of his vape, holding it in his mouth for a few seconds before taking it out and letting smoke drift from his lips.


"How wonderful; how strange. To be loved by something that hates all else." The blond let the words flow from his lips, proud of his idea.

"A lovely way to start a phone call, Andy, I feel honoured." The brunette girl laughed on the other side of the phone.

"Well, what do you think? I want it to be the beginning of the book I'm writing." Andy smiled excitedly even though he knew she could see him.

"It sounds really good. What's it gonna be about?" Emily said, probably about to go to bed.

"So I've been really into murders recentl-" Andy stopped talking when he saw a figure ahead of him, stood tall holding something in his hand. "I've gotta go."

"Andy? What where ar-" But the girl was cut short as Andy ended the phone call, shoving his phone in his pocket as he eyed the stranger in front of him.

"Hello?" The small blond called out, scared as the figure moved his hand slightly, letting the object in his hand reflect off of one of the street lamp.

Andy stepped back, eyes suddenly wide as he clenched his jaw. The wind was suddenly a lot harsher on his eyes, a thin glaze now covering them.

It was only now the blond noticed how dark the streets were, how the rain had stopped only minutes before, leaving a clean sheen covering the concrete and cobblestones.

"Who are you?" His voice was extremely shaky as he stared at the object in the man's hand, "why do you have a knife?"

The blond tried his best to clog the part of his mind that was a writer, already hating the millions of scenarios that all ended up with the blond's blood covering the floor beneath him.

"Are you okay?" The blond called out.

But the body dropped to its knees, the knife now at Andy's feet, the small blond looked up, the figure on the floor in a puddle of his blood.

The blue-eyed boy took a second to look up, seeing a brunette boy, curly hair with eyes so bright he swore they were brighter than the stars.

The brunette brought his index finger up to his lips, shushing the blond of unspoken words before turning around and walking around the corner.

Andy covered his mouth quickly as soft tears trickled down his cheeks.

His mind flooded with unanswered questions, but there was one thing he was sure he had to do.

He pulled his phone out, shakily dialling 911 as quick as he could. He was almost impossible to understand as he spoke urgently down the telephone, sobs emitting from his lips uncontrollably.

The boy didn't know how to explain what had happened, too shocked, too scared to even know himself, after all, how was he supposed to explain that he had just witnessed a murder?

A kind killer | bxb RANDYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang