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It took them some time to get back to where they used to be, after that night. Finally, Heather felt like they were close like they used to be, however. Even if her heart stung every time she caught Allie looking at Will or how the blonde seemed to laugh harder if he were the one telling the joke. She just did her best to repress all her feelings towards the girl, figuring it was the only way to keep her best friend. Her only solace was latching onto any and every distraction she could. A mysterious stink that was plaguing the town was her current source of distraction, especially when it was the reason they were taking this week-long trip into the mountains.

Heather filed onto the bus, a small backpack slung over her shoulder. She went to follow Allie into a seat, only to find her already sitting with Will. Biting back a frown, she glanced around for an empty seat until Cassandra beckoned her over. She took the seat beside her with a heavy sigh, unable to tear her unhappy gaze from her two friends, who sat in front of her already immersed in conversation. "You okay?" Cassandra asked softly, reading the expression on her face all to easily.

"Yeah, just tired," Heather mumbled, waving a hand as if to wave away her words. Before the blonde can say anything more, the brunette is stuffing her earbuds into her ears and turning her music on. This was going to be a long bus ride.

Everyone around her seemed to be chatting easily, but she'd always been a more withdrawn girl. Allie happened to bring out a more outgoing side of her, but that had taken a couple years for even her to uncover. She lets the hours drag by and plays games on her phone, absently nodding her head to the beat of the songs on her 'long car ride' playlist.

Heather doesn't even look up until she feels someone lightly tug a strand of her hair in a clear effort to get her attention. She looks up from her phone, tugging an earbud out and meeting the gaze of a smiling Allie, though she can read poorly masked concern in her expression. "Why're you bein' so quiet?"

"Didn't get much sleep last night," she answered automatically, even though it wasn't exactly true. What else was she to say? That she was moping because Allie didn't love her back and she was frustrated that she couldn't force away these feelings? Yeah, that would go over well.

"Right." Allie drags out the word, her tone disbelieving. "What's really wrong?"

She sighed. Both Pressman sisters knew her way too well, though one difference between them is that Cassandra would let her wallow in silence, while Allie wanted to know and fix the problem immediately.

"Just... Nervous, I guess. It must be pretty bad if they're making us all leave for a week, right? I mean, it's just a smell, but if it's so bad that we have to leave, what about our families and stuff?" Heather asked, and it was actually fairly true. She was worried about her family, and what them leaving meant for the town and whatever the hell was causing the smell.

"You worry too much," Allie said with a slight pout, reaching out the ruffle her hair. Heather scowled, slapping her hand away and making the other girl laugh. "Feisty."

"Shut up," Heather said, though she laughed slightly in spite of herself. Conversation flowed easily, and Heather felt her mood lifting with each word. It was nice to see how at ease Allie had become around her again, it definitely took away some of her anxiety about the two of them.


Heather didn't have any time to even realize she had fallen asleep before she woke with a jolt. She groaned quietly, rolling her neck to get rid of the crick in it. Sleeping on the seats of a school bus was never comfortable. Her friends around her all started to wake as well, blinking in the sudden light.

"Change of plans!" the bus driver started, not even glancing back at them as he spoke. "Rock slides, the road is closed. You're back home."

They all filed off of the bus, Heather coming out just after her friends. She was surprised to find the center of town completely empty, not a single parent in sight. Normally, of course, such a sight this late wouldn't be unusual. Surely, their parents knew they had been sent back, however. Heather hovered nervously around the Pressmans and Will, trying to call her mother only for it to ring incessantly. Next she tried her father, and even her younger sister. Still, no luck. She forced down her anxiety, trying to convince herself that they were all just asleep. It was the most logical conclusion, even if her parents' rings usually woke them up.

"You crashin' with us, too?" Allie asked, snapping her out of her thoughtful daze. Heather shook her head. "So that you don't have to walk alone in the dark, and all."

"No, I'll be fine." Heather adjusted the strap of her backpack, which hung off of her shoulder.

"Text us when you get home," Cassandra said, Allie nodding in agreement.

"Will do. Goodnight, you three." She flashed them all a fake smile and turned on her heel, heading to her house. Everything was fine, she tried to convince herself. Everyone was just asleep, that was all. It was probably the darkness just screwing with her head, making her more nervous than necessary.

It became increasingly difficult to stay calm once she reached her house, glancing through each room and finding it terrifyingly empty. Even her two cats were nowhere to be found. Even sitting in her room, the whole house lit up with all the lights on, she felt fear flow icily through her veins. Her first instinct is to call Allie.

"Hey, I was just about to call you. My parents-"

"Mine too," Heather said, cutting her off. "And my sister - even my cats. They're all gone."


so, here's the first chapter! hope you enjoyed (:

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