Your love filled me up; it filled my lungs like oxygen

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Although she didn't realise, Komaru was cursed to have met Toko Fukawa. If she hadn't met the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, perhaps Komaru would have been able to live ordinarily.

Or maybe Komaru would just feel empty her whole life.

Regardless, Komaru didn't realise what was wrong, until one sunny afternoon. It had been obvious to the girl that she has feelings for Toko, feelings much stronger than the ones the purple haired girl had in return.

No, Toko was in her own world, chasing after Byakuya, who never loved her back. Byakuya wasn't very interested in people, especially not Toko.

If Komaru didn't chase after Toko, then it'd probably be Toko cursed with violet roses in her lungs.


Anyways, it was a sunny afternoon when Toko broke the news that Byakuya was finally decided to take her out on a date, that Komaru found it difficult to breathe, she brushed it off, can't be anything important.

"I don't know what it is." Komaru sighed to Kotoko, brushing her hair gently.

"Well, then big sis-" Kotoko had been practically adopted by the Naegi's, although it was nothing official "- why don't you just tell Toko you have a bad feeling about it?"

Komaru put the brush down "She's been wanting this date forever, anyways. Who am I to tell her what to do?" Komaru smiled sadly.


Komaru waved her hand in front of her face; it was suffocating in Hiroko's apartment.

"I thought you said you quit smoking?"

"I tried." Hiroko pressed the cigar on her forearm, relishing the pain. "What's up KoKo" She grinned, slamming Yasuhiro's door shut- the room hadn't been changed since he left, something about 'wanting him to fix his own mess' that Komaru thought may have been a lie.

"I think Toko's making a mistake. Something's not right."

"Do you have any proof?"

"..." Komaru bit her bottom lip, "No.."


"I don't know, I just feel wrong about this, I guess."

"It has nothing to do with your feelings for FuFu?"

"..." Komaru put a finger to her cheek, "Maybe I'm just jealous?"

"Maybe, or you could be onto something. Look on the bright side, we know for a fact that blond bastard-"


"-doesn't love the bitch! So it's not gonna go anywhere!"

"Anyways, it can't go that badly." Hiroko said, trying to make her feel better.

Komaru lied awake at night wondering what state Toko would come back in. She wondered what was worse, Toko coming back happy or her coming back in tears.

The former, she'd have to find an excuse as to why she's so disappointed about her friends happiness.

The latter, she'd have to watch Toko cry- which killed her every time she realised that she's not the one that brings a smile on her face.

Every time she realises she's not the one. Her heart breaks a little bit more.

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