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1st century B.C.E

Elena's pov:

"Katherine" I whispered

"Behind you" she replied

"We have to find amara before she drinks the immortality spell" I said

5 minutes later

"Amara" kat mutter

Amara screamed when she noticed we look exactly like her

"Shhh don't scream" I said Quietly

"Why do you look like me" she asked

"We are your doppelgängers" kat answered

"We are here to help you, don't go off with Silas" I replied

"Why" she questioned

"Because your going to destroy your village" Katherine answered

"How do you know that" she asked

"We are from the future"kat said

"So I'm just supposed to believe you" Amara questioned

"Yes, we're saving you from two thousand years of suffering" I yelled quietly

"Why would you betray qetsiyah" Katherine asked

"Because I'm carrying his child" she answered

Their was an Long pause before anyone spoke

"This is what we're going to do once you give birth, a witch is going to give you a immortality spell one for you and the other for your child once he or she reaches 18" I explained

She nods
"We'll see you in the future, where you'll unite with Silas" Katherine voiced as we began to fade

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