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Sooooo it's been a long time and I'm alive (unfortunately). Also this was a request so here goes nothing. Plus this is super duper short cause I have Zero inspiration atm lmao.

ironstark_struck has created a group chat

ironstark_struck has added theblackwidow captainmurica and peter_;p

peter_;p Mr. Stark? Why did you create this gc with THE black widow and Captain America!?!?!?!

Captainmurica So.. you've been having sex?

peter_;p ......Mr. Stark... how much did you pay Mr. Rogers to do the PSA voice?

Captainmurica 30$ but that's not the point.

ironstark_struck the point that Capsicle here wants to make is that you should get ready for the birds and the bees.

peter_;p WHAT? NO PLS NO 👀👀👀Ms. Black Widow please help me!

theblackwidow No can do kid. You got this Upon yourself.🤷‍♀️

peter_;p but..but I'm just an innocent child from Queens!!!!

ironstark_struck kid the post from MJ says otherwise.. I thought I told you to be better than me. *sigh*

theblackwidow awww don't go hard on my spiderbaby, Tony! He's a hormonal teenager cut him some slack.

captainmurica can we just cut down to the talk? Pete we know that your body is going through changes and that it is stressing you out. Plus the raging hormones. We just expect you to be careful because aside from teenage pregnancies, there's always the STDs. Which are much worse.

peter_;p Thanks Mr. Rogers. I swear were being careful though. 100% protection!

ironstark_struck OH so you admit that you're sexually active 😎😎

peter_;p MR. STARK!!!!😶😶😶😶😶

And hence started the Spider-Man: Birds and the bees .

Sorry guys pretty sure this was not what you had expected after this looooooong hiatus but I am super tired and school is fucking Karma which is biting me in the ass btw.



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