No...(Chapter 15)

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"Hey here she is!" A guard yelled. Then Andrew slammed him against the wall. 

"Hurry! GO!" 

"But what about yo-" Amaris was interrupted 

"Don't worry about me just go!" he yelled. We nodded and started to run. 

"Come on your room is this way!" Amaris yelled. We came to a corner and took a breath, but then something graded me and I yelled. I look up to see... Kyrell... 

"Oh look who I found~" Amaris gasped

"Sir leave her alone." he looked at her and sighed, but I started to scream. he put him hand over my mouth and all was heard was muffling sounds. 

"she did nothing wrong so just let her go and we will pretended nothing happened." Amaris said calmly trying to reason with Kyrell. 

"Yeah I don't think so... She was not listening and so I have to lock her up so she doesn't try anything like this again. I started to struggle in his grip, but I failed. 

"Sir please... She was just curious... and wanted to see what was happening."

"But why shouldn't she know..."

"I mean she is only human sir..." where was silence, but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. He sighed and smirked. 

"You wouldn't know...." then a guard stabbed her in the chest with his sword... time felt like it stopped. I struggled in his grip. 

"Amaris! No!!" I yelled and cried. he let me go and I ran up to her. I grabbed her face with my hand to make her look at me. I cried softly. 

 "Amaris no y-you can't d-die... no..." she looked at me and put her hand on my hand that was resting on her face.

"H-hey I-its okay...*cough* Ryver..." 

"Please don't die. Not you anybody, but you!" I cried harder. She smiled.

"its o-okay so wipe away those triers and just smile." she gave me another closed eyed smile, but she then coughed again.

"Please save your strength" I managed to say. 

"Please smile... one last time... for me" she said. I managed to smile a little for her. She smiled and started to sit up a little and she then kissed me on the forehead.

"good bye.. Ryver. Please stay strong..." she laid back down and started to close her eyes...

" no no NO! Please don't die Please I cant lose you! please..." I cried into my hands sobbing harder and harder.  I was crying so hard I didn't even know I was being dragged way...

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