Is this a nightmare?

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One summer you wanted to got to Egypt so you did

It was one of your final days in Egypt so you decided to go around and look at some of the architecture that the city you where in had to offer. When you passed by what looked like a mansion you wanted to get a closer look at it, but when you got closer you saw a bird fly out from out of nowhere and then....

You woke up in a dark room you tried to open a window or the door but you couldn't, then you heard foot steps closer and closer you realized that you where gonna die so you just gave up, you put your hands in defeat and when the door opened you said "if your gonna kill me just make it quick!"
"Come with me" a deep voice said, you did as he asked as maybe he would let you leave if you followed his orders? He led you to another dark room, you couldn't see his face witch just scared you more.

There was a bed in the room and almost nothing else besides some books, "do you fear death?" The man asked you "what?" You replied with fear
"Just answer the question"
"Well yes doesn't every one?" The man laughed "no not every one, but humans seem to always fear such things and it can be amusing". What was he talking about "humans?" You asked
"Enough questions" he said "do you know why I saved you?" He asked you
"N-no" you said in a shaky voice "why?" You asked "because you looked nice to me you looked like your blood was pure you looked delectable" he said getting closer to your neck "I'm am very hungry but I dont want blood right now I want something else" he whispered in your ear. He started to move his hand down on your body and almost out of nowhere it seemed like you where naked!

You looked back at the man and all he said was "get on your knees", you had so many thoughts running through your mind 'I'm a man!' 'Is he going to rape me!?' 'WHY WHY WHY WH-' you where cut off but something pushing into your ass, you moaned in pain as what ever it was got deeper and deeper into you, you look back and you see the man and a grin on his face as he moved in and out of you harder and faster. It felt so painful but you liked it? You couldn't explain it but after a while the pain went away and you felt pleasure and it got better and better you started to moan with pleasure rather than pain, the man noticed this and grabbed you by your neck pulling you back still fucking you he asked "do you enjoy this? Even though you are a man you enjoy another man to fuck you in the ass?" You moaned and eventually said "yes its.... its" he just laughed, he kept going until he couldn't then he went all into you and came inside you. And then everything went back to normal you had your clothes on and there was nothing inside you but you still felt pain that the sex had.

"From now on when ever I see fit you will serve me like that" he said
"What to I call you?" You asked dazed after what had just occurred "you can call me lord DIO, and what shall I call you?"
"(Y/n)" you said

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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